Chapter 5

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I felt kind of awkward waking up next to a guy I hardly knew. He seemed like a nice guy, but he wasn't the one I was interested in. Ben lies next to me while Dave was on the couch. He got really emotional last night and I was doing my best to comfort him.

I got up trying not to wake anybody up. I couldn't remember where I left my keys. I started rummaging through the few drawers that were around the hotel. I also checked the bathroom finding nothing. I walked out to see Dave sitting up on the couch. "Going somewhere?" He asked groggily. I smiled as the familiar cling sounded from under Dave. My eyes brightened up. He pulled my keys from under him reluctantly tossing them to me.

"Yeah, I think I've overstayed my welcome." I smiled slightly embarrassed that I actually stayed with these people that I had barely been aquainted with.

Dave tried to assure me that I wasn't, but he was just trying to be nice. I knew I was. I headed for the door biding him goodbye. He stopped me before I was completely out the door. "Take this." He said handing me a piece of paper. It had someone's number on it. I gave him a confused look.

"Don't worry its Andy's." He smiled placing the paper in my hand.

"I can't take this. I'm not even sure if he wants me to have it." I said trying to give him the note back. He wouldn't take it back though. 

"Yes he does. He just got pissed last night cuz he saw you holding Dave. He didn't know that you were just trying to comfort him." A third voice joined in on the conversation that belonged to Ben.

"Well if he got that upset over something that little maybe I shouldn't be talking to him." I wasn't sure if I did or didn't want to continue talking to Andy. He seemed nice, but if he was always impulsive like this then it might be a problem.

"Great he found someone as stubborn as him." Dave commented smirking.

"Just take it Lexa." Ben pleaded with his back still turned to us. I wadded up the paper and shoved it into my pocket. Dave scoffed walking me out to my car.

Once we made it to the lobby he thanked me for last night. I told him it was no problem and that if he ever needed to do it again he could call me. I gave him my phone number  and whatnot saying goodbye. He walked back over to the elevators and I walked in the opposite direction to my car. I sat in my car not exactly sure what to do now.

I pulled out of the parking lot driving around to kill some time. I had my music on and my windows down enjoying the warm breeze.


By now it was around eight o'clock and I was in the back of my van laying on my lumpy mattress. I pulled the covers up and under my chin tuning on my side trying to fall asleep.

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