Chapter 3

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The sun was at its highest peak and I figured it was probably one maybe two o'clock. My stomach started to rumble.

"Hey, Daisy, what time is our lunch break?" I asked hoping that it would be soon.

"Um in about fifteen minutes." She replied after checking the time.

I nodded hopping over the counter so I could wipe the tables down. I quickly texted Mike, so he could come over and eat something, because if I was hungry that kid had to be starving. Once finished I returned to the kitchen restocking the buns, veggies, and whatever else was running low.

"Lexa." Daisy called out as she entered the kitchen.

"Yes?" I answered shivering as I came out of the meat locker.

"Mike, is here." She said more as a question.

I explained that it was just my little brother and I was checking in on him.

As I made Mikes order I made small talk about the concert and how it was going so far.

I watched my brother from behind the counter top. He face full of content and mustard from his burger. I giggled quietly and went to get a new rag, since the one I had was already covered in filth.

"Whad'ya think Daisy, does she deserve some time to go run off and enjoy herself?" Carlos the manager asked. I tried to pretend that I didn't hear them and kept working but they called me over.

"Honestly I haven't had to do squat besides show her where everything is. So, she definitely deserves to go." Daisy smiled nodding her head.

"Okay then, Lexa,you're free to go. But I want you back here at eight." He sent me off and I skipped over to where my brother was. He still had a half eaten burger.

"Mike, can I have that." I pleaded with puppy dog eyes. My stomach was still growling like crazy.

He nodded pushing his plate further from himself. Which I would take it that he is stuffed. "So, what time does the group play that you want to see next."

"Five minutes." He replied nonchalantly.

I hurriedly finished the burger tossing the trash into the garbage can. I ran behind my brother following him closely. We managed to squeeze by some polite people and got an okay spot.

The group that was currently playing was quite intimidating, or maybe I was just easily frightened. The group finished off with a song called 'I Solemnly Swear'. Which made the crowd go crazy. The next group was introduced as 'Letlive.' I remember Mike telling me that he wanted to see these guys.


"Mike I gotta go." I said reluctantly.

"Work." I added. Before he had time to respond I maneuvered my way through the crowd and back to the Bar & Grill. I hopped over the counter and put my apron back on.

"Wow, it got dark fast." I commented.

We had become very busy. More and more people came around but for alcoholic beverages now. The place would be closing in about an hour and then few would attend the after party where the groups that performed tonight will hangout and let loose.

The hour went by pretty fast but I guess that's what happens when you actually have something to do. "Lexa, I know Daisy probably told you that we close right about now, but a group of guys wanted to know if we could stay open. Would you mind? You can keep whatever money they spend." Carlos the manager tried to persuade me into staying. I texted Mike and told him that I would be a little late and agreed to serve whoever it was.

Six guys approached the bar area as I made small talk. I prepared the drinks and set them on the counter for them to take. One of the boys pushed one back to me. "Oh, I'm okay its yours youre paying for it." I wouldn't mind having a drink but I would rather pay for it on my own.

"Yeah, I'm buying it for you." He replied pushing the glass closer to me. I glanced at the boy momentarily, taking the shot and downing it in one gulp. I wiped my mouth quickly and murmured a thank you to the boy with tan skin and brown eyes.

"Another round please." The same boy passed me a $50 bill.  I smiled taking it and shoving it in my back pocket. I fixed the drinks and placed them on the countertop again. To which the dark haired boy pushed one towards me. "I really shouldn't." I warned the boy yet he just waved my comment off.

"Come here I want to make a toast." He whispered. I hopped over the counter and towards the group of boys. I held my tiny glass up pressing it to the others as Andy was it? Made a beautiful toast. I downed the harsh liquid coughing a bit.

"Lexa this is David, Ben, Brandon, Hayden, and Brent. Guys, this is Lexa." Andy introduced me to everybody, though I wasn't sure how he knew my name since I didn't tell him at any point.

"Hey how did you know my name?" I asked curiously.

Andy stifled a laugh. He also pointed to my name tag that was just a torn piece of paper with my name on it. I cringed wanting to mentally and physically slap myself. Remember how I said I was intimidated easily. Well, Andy was very intimidating to me. He was attractive and very confident, two things I clearly lacked.

"You should come with us to the after party. I mean, if you want, but I would like it if you came." I watched as he blushed. What changed? Five minutes ago he was all smirks and smooth talking  now he's stuttering and blushing. It was too cute.

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