Chapter 6

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"Stop moping around and just call her." David was nagging me all morning. It was kind of amusing how he was trying to get us together when he obviously wants her.

"Why don't you call her. Y'all seemed buddy buddy at the club." I snapped at him.

He looked at me disapprovingly. "She was comforting me. I kind of told her about Jessica, and it made me sad all over again. She was just being a decent person.

" You really think I would jump back into a relationship that fast? And with a girl that has eyes for my best friend?" David was yelling at me. The hurt and venom from his words audible.

I felt kind of guilty. I've been acting like a douche these past two days over something I didn't even understand completely. I stayed quiet not knowing what to say.

"Go, call her before we leave."  Dave calmed down patting me on the shoulder. That's how our relationship was; we would fight, not talk to each other, then eventually talk it out and realize how stupid the fight was.

"I didn't even get her number." I groaned beginning to throw myself a pity party.

David shoved a torn piece of paper in my face and shooed me away. I smiled taking the paper and sliding into my bunk. I took out my phone and noticed a text.

Thanksforlastnight. Weshoulddo itagainsometime. The number that the text was from didn't match the one in my hand. Who the f- oh my god. That girl from last night. The one I hooked up with. Ugh, she must have taken my phone last night and put her number in because there was a text from methat said 'goodnight beautiful.' But I didn't send that.

I blocked her number and dialed the one on the paper. Should I call her or text her? I tugged on the ends of my hair pressing the send button.


Now the wait is what's going to kill me. I tried to stay productive and pretend I wasn't waiting for my phone to light up with a notification. After the 'agonizing' hour wait I turned the t.v. on flicking through the channels. I left it on some random show and found myself drifting into a restless sleep.



Okay, so I may or may not have been putting off texting back Andy. I mean, I didn't really know what to say. All he had to say was hey. But, at the same time I felt guilty because Dave had been texting me all morning.

He was still in the metroplex and wanted to meet up for coffee. I could use some caffeine so I complied. He insisted on going to starbucks. I didn't feel like putting pants on so I picked out a dress and showered. I put my hair in a bun. When I pulled into the parking lot of starbucks I tried to scan the inside for Dave. I didn't see him anywhere. Then again there was a lot of people maybe I just wasn't seeing him. I texted him and he said he was by the separate counter where the sugar and everything was. I walked towards that direction but I didn't see Dave. I saw someone I wasn't prepared to see.

I turned around praying that he didn't see me, but he did. I slowly turned around accepting that I couldn't escape this one. 

"Lexa, you're here." He grinned widely.

"Hey, Andy," i smiled half-heartedly. This felt a little uncomfortable considering I was expecting to see Dave. By the look of Andy's fac he was just as surprised as i was. 

"Dave that bastard did this." He nuttered shaking his head.

"Have somewhere else to be?" i scoffed crossing my arms. I had a hunch that Andy didn't go home alone. What was I suppose to expect though.

"No, do you?" He inquired raising his eyebrows. We were now having a stand-off on who would break first, but i could stand here all day. Finally, he let out a deep sigh.

"So, i literally never apologize but, I guess that was a douche move of me the other night." He put his hands in his pocket. The most amusing part about his apology was he genuinely seemed to be struggling to find the right words. While he was atalking i found it harder and harder to supress my smile. 

"Andy, it's fine." From your position i could see where it looked like something, but it wasn't. You would have known that if you would've given one of us a chance to explain." If this guy was going to be in a relationship with anybody he was going to need to learn how to control himself.

He smiled slowly engulfing me in a hug. His aroma filled my nostils and i reluctantly snaked my arms around his torso. I eventually let go. A flash went off temporarily blinding me. Ben and Dave were not to far from us looking at the pictures they snapped. i hated taking pictures. 

"I should go, I'll text you later." I told Andy i and Dave goodbye praying that they didn't post the pictures anywhere. Im sure I looked like crap. After all this I walked out of the coffee shop emptyhanded. I got in my car igniting the engine and speeding away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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