Chapter 57

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A/N: Sorry this has taken an eternity to get to you...I've been so ill this week and having a load of tests done so I wasn't able to finish the chapter because I've mostly been sleeping. Anyway, here it is. I hope you enjoy it x

"I've missed kissing you," Camila mumbled

against Lauren's mouth, smiling as her girlfriend kissed her again, pressing their lips together firmly as she leant against the smaller girls' body, Camila's arms still wrapped around her neck. "Mmhmm," Lauren acknowledged as Camila's hands made their way down from where they sat to rest at the base of Lauren's spine over her 'The Script' tshirt. "You're a really good kisser," Camila praised, separating their lips for a moment and causing Lauren's eyebrow to quirk up in amusement, sensing that her girlfriend was going to start rambling any second now. "Camz," Lauren said knowingly, kissing Camila briefly once more and trying to cut her off before she could start spewing the inevitable word vomit that was about to follow, a small smile playing on her lips. "I can't believe that it's been eight days since I last saw you," Camila started regardless of Lauren's muttered warning. "It feels like a lot longer," she confessed, one of her hands, stroking the small of Lauren's back soothingly. "I'd forgotten just how green your eyes can be," Camila stated, staring in to her girlfriends' eyes and biting her bottom lip. "They're so pretty..." "So you've told me," Lauren laughed lightly, interrupting Camila's thought process and stopping it short. "When?" Camila asked, tilting her head back a little to take in all of Lauren's face. She looked confused and Lauren made a mental note to save the adorable image in her memory for future reference. "You tell me all the time," Lauren informed her honestly, one hand reaching up to brush Camila's loose hair behind her shoulder. "I do not," Camila complained,

scrunching her face up slightly. "Yes you do," Lauren returned, sitting herself up tall against the head of the bed once more, Camila's hands sliding round to rest on her hips as she did. "I do?" Camila asked, her eyes never leaving Lauren's face. "Yes," Lauren reiterated. "In fact, one of my favourite memories of us involves you telling me that I have really pretty eyes." "What memory?" Camila asked interestedly, sitting up taller too, her eyes shining inquisitively. "Well," Lauren said, picking up one of Camila's hands and wrapping it in her own. "It was the first time that you'd had a seizure..." "You mean the time that you tried it on with me and I was barely lucid?" Camila asked jokingly and Lauren beamed brightly as she shoved Camila's shoulder gently. "If I recall correctly," Lauren started, "which I do, you know, being the only one out of the two of us that can actually remember what tried it on with me." "You're such a liar," Camila teased. "There is no way that I tried it on with you. I can't even flirt with myself in the mirror. There's no chance that I made the first move..." "You did," Lauren argued laughing. "I've already told you what happened..." "I think you took advantage of me," Camila interjected playfully, seductively raising an eyebrow. "Ithink you saw an opportunity and went for it." "I think you're delusional," Lauren joked and Camila shuffled herself closer to the brunette beside her, narrowing her eyes. Camila stared at Lauren for a moment, her

eyes boring in to her girlfriends' as though trying to read any falsity to her claims. "Why would I come on to you?" Camila asked Lauren, her tone quiet and serious. "You tell me," Lauren said, leaning forward and closing the distance between them, her face hovering inches from Camila's. "You did it." "I think the electrical impulses in my brain were misfiring after the seizure," Camila answered, her lips curving up in to a smile and making Lauren's stomach flutter excitedly. "Ithink it was a mistake..." "Now who's lying," Lauren questioned and Camila moved her face even closer to her girlfriend's. "I don't lie," Camila said, tilting her head a fraction to the side. "Then tell me the truth." Lauren challenged. "Why do you think that you kissed me?" "I was confused," Camila answered, still entertained by their game and choosing to continue with it. "Ithought that you were my mom." "You know there is something seriously wrong with you if that's how you kiss your mom," Lauren told her making a face. "I'm sure that it was just a peck..." Camila stated uncertainly, narrowing her eyes again and studying Lauren for her reaction to the comment. "I remember it being a bit more than that." She disagreed. "In what way was it more than just a peck?" Camila questioned, inching her face closer to Lauren's a little more. "What was it like?" she asked. "Tell me." Lauren smiled and closed the remaining gap between their mouths, planting a soft, intimate kiss against Camila's lips and lingering there a beat and a half too long. Those extra couple of seconds were enough to make Camila try to move forward and

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