Chapter 78

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When they arrived at Normani's house, Lauren wasted no time in retrieving the spare key from where it was concealed in a false electrical conduit and letting them inside. They only remained there long enough to remove their makeup and change out of their prom dresses in to something more comfortable before leaving again; Camila opting to wear the hoodie and sweatpants that she'd brought with her for the next day whilst Lauren donned a pair of cut off denim shorts with a white tank top and her

favourite flannel shirt. "Ok," Lauren said, once they'd made their way back outside and she'd locked Normani's front door securely behind them. "Now what?" "Now," Camila said, a small smile gracing her lips as she watched Lauren crouch down and quickly return the spare key to its original hiding place. "We're going to go to my house." "Your house?" she questioned laughing as she stood back up again. "Why?" "Ijust need to pick up a few things," Camila informed her simply as she started off down the garden path in the direction of Lauren's red Chevrolet Cruze which was parked at the curb. "What things?" Lauren asked interestedly, following after her. "Just things," Camila answered evasively as Lauren quickened her pace and caught up to her. "You'll find out soon enough. Be patient." She commanded cheerfully. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" Lauren asked pulling her keys out of her bag and smiling brightly as they came to a stop alongside her car. Camila leant back against the vehicle casually as Lauren unlocked it, a smirk appearing on her face in response to the question. "A little bit," she replied honestly, her hands tucked firmly behind her back. Lauren shook her head in amusement at Camila's admission but didn't say anything, instead opening the passenger door and holding it wide for her girlfriend. "Fine, I'll be patient." Lauren relented, gesturing for Camila to get in. "I'm just intrigued that's all." "Good," Camila said as she pushed herself away from the car and descended in to the passenger seat obediently. "I was hoping that you would be." She admitted, pulling the safety belt

across her torso and securing it in to place. "You do realise that you're giving me really high expectations here Camz," Lauren teased her girlfriend, resting her forearm along the top of the car door and peering in at the smaller girl who sat looking up at her. "I hope that you can deliver after all this, otherwise I'm going to be really disappointed." "I can," Camila said confidently. "Trust me. You're going to have fallen even more hopelessly in love with me by the end of tonight, I promise." "I'm not sure that's possible," Lauren responded playfully, standing up tall, "but, we'll see..." she said closing the door carefully. She made her way round to the driver's side and climbed in, fastening her own safety belt before placing the key in the ignition, starting the engine and setting off towards Camila's house. They made the majority of the journey in relative silence, Camila's eyes focused out of the window to her right and watching the world as it rushed past, the smaller girl evidently deep in thought about something. It was only when the car came to a stop that she returned her attention to Lauren and the greeneyed girl couldn't help but smile at the confused expression on Camila's face, as though she had been completely lost in a daze and were only just now becoming aware of what was going on around her. "We're here," Lauren said helpfully when the puzzled expression didn't disappear from her girlfriend's face after a few seconds. "That was quick," Camila commented as

she leant forward to look past her girlfriend through the driver's side window, confirming with her own eyes that they were indeed at her house. She released the clasp of her safety belt and slowly removed it from across her chest, her eyes lifting to meet Lauren's once more. "It is when your mind is otherwise occupied elsewhere," Lauren replied knowingly. "I was just thinking," Camila responded placing a hand on top of Lauren's which rested on her knee now that the car sat idle. "I know," Lauren responded glancing down at their hands for a second and squeezing Camila's supportively. "It's ok. We all do it from time to time." "Some of us more than others though, right?" Camila noted chuckling softly to herself as she gazed back towards her house once more. "You do have a bit of a habit for it," Lauren returned warmly as Camila reached for the door handle with her right hand. "So I've been told," Camila answered lightly, winking at Lauren as she pushed the door ajar. "Wait here for a minute, ok?" She halfasked, half- instructed, her eyes meeting Lauren's squarely. "I'll be right back." "Ok," Lauren agreed easily, relinquishing Camila's other hand as the smaller girl climbed out of the vehicle. Camila gave Lauren an easy smile in acknowledgement as she closed the car door and then hastily made her way towards her empty house, her small feet moving deftly up the path and pausing just long enough to let herself inside. Lauren waited until Camila had completely vanished from sight before bending forward and fiddling with the volume dial on the stereo system, the sound having been so low

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