Chapter 4

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"Alex, stop pacing! Reggie- what- what are you doing?"

"Practicing my bass."

"In mid-air.......without your bass?"

"It's called an air bass, if I'm made out of air my bass can be too."

"Okay, you do that." Julie grabbed her keyboard stand, standing in the garage doorway, "Luke make your bandmates calm down, I have to take this out to the car." Without an answer, Julie stumbled out of the garage towards where her dad and the car were waiting.

Luke scribbled in his notebook, without looking up, "You guys need to chill out, as long as we're all together we'll rock so hard there's no way Cal will say no!" Reggie smiles and points a finger at him, "Plus, Y/N will be there, she'll be able to convince Cal for us." He adds as Julie jogs back in, "Okay we should be good to go as you guys can all poof in your instruments. You guys should get ready to leave."

"Alright, but let me finish this line. I am in the zone." Luke scribbled some final words on his notebook pages before looking up, "Alex, get off the runway, you're gonna fall over the table or something."

"But what if he says no and not even Y/N can convince him? I mean, what if- what if he has other bands in mind and just said yes to Y/N because she works there? What if we play and completely mess it up!?" Luke deadpans Alex as his bandmate starts shaking his hands up and down, his pacing increasing.

Luke rolls his eyes, standing up and holding Alex by his shoulders, "Chill, we're gonna be fine. We're gonna do amazing, like we usually do."

"Guys, we need to go. Like, now. So, hurry up, move it!"


"So, Cal, my good buddy, my favourite boss, um...would it be alright, and remember that I've been a faithful worker for such a long time, would it be alright if I skipped every other audition apart from Julie and her band's?" Y/N dragged out, her voice rising in pitch, trying to convince Cal with her best puppy eyes whilst he stared back at her with a deadpan expression.

"No, sit down. We have some performers to listen to." She sighed and sat down in the chair next to him, putting her elbows on the desk in front of them, "I saw that coming..." she leaned her cheek against her palm as Cal chuckled at her, "And yet you always ask."

"One day I successfully skip this bullshit, mark my words."

"Sure, sugar-pie. Now stop your grumbling, our first performer comes in 2 minutes."


I want your love, and I want your revenge

You and me could write a bad romance

I want your love and all your lover's revenge

You and me could write a bad romance

Oh oh oh oh oooh-

The poor girl's voice broke. Y/N could see it coming, her vowel technique needed a bit more work but the girl was obviously passionate, this would crush her ego.

"You can stop now, we've heard enough. We'll let you know.

Y/N winced, Cal could seem really cold at times however the warm smile he gave every performer at the end of his mantra definitely helped ease any hurt they may or may not feel.

"I can't wait to perform here, I know you'll make the best choice. I'll see you on Friday."

Maybe this wouldn't crush her ego, after all, it seemed the thing was infinite. The girl walked out, her high heels clicking on the floor as Cal sighed. She knew why, when auditions were open to anyone who could arrive on time it was hard to find people who had that spark when performing. It doesn't matter how good your voice is if you're boring to watch then you might as well not show up.

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