Chapter 11

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Y/N absent-mindedly stirred a cup of coffee, staring into space as her co-workers observed her from afar. "Is- is she okay?" Sam whispered to Noelle who turned to glare at him incredulously, "You're not serious, are you? She looks like her pet hamster was just taken for ransom and killed right after she handed over the money- what do you mean is she okay, of course not!" Sam raised their hands in defence, "Alright chill, I was just asking because if were to ask her I would straight up die. You girls are fucking scary." You could almost hear the snaps of necks as all the female staff turned to glare at them. Noelle jabbed her finger into their chest, leaning close to their face. "Now you listen to me, Sammy, you haven't seen scary and you best hope you never do. Now stop gawking and do your work!" She stepped back and went to pick up an order from the counter. Sam gulped and looked away, "That was kinda hot. Scary, but crazy attractive..." Casey raises an eyebrow and steps away from her observing point, "Okay, we get it, you're a simp, get back to work before she actually gets mad." Sam nodded frantically, saluting her before running to take orders.

Casey sighed, "I'm like a single mother but without the commitment of having real kids." She turned to look back at Y/N, "And now time to sort this mess out." Casey made her way over to the counter and started messing around with the ketchup and mustard bottles, "So, Doll, you gonna stay here feeling sorry for yourself or tell me what's going on with you?"


Y/N sat in the break room, after hours once again due to Caleb. "Okay, Y/N, we're gonna fix this, we'll sort it out just fine! The only problem is the whole possession thing, I have no clue how that stuff works. If I can find a way around that then we should be fine...would an exorcism work?" Y/N tenses when she hears chuckling from behind her, "I hope you aren't planning on getting rid of me, Diner Gal." She released a breath she didn't know she was holding, all the tension flooding out of her body, "Hey, Leather Boy. No, I've got other ghostly problems other than just you." Reggie frowned, he may be an airhead sometimes but he liked to believe he was at least a bit perceptive of other's emotions so he decided to try and cheer her up anyway he could.

Reggie gasped, raising a hand to his heart feigning offence, "Are you cheating on me? I thought I was your only ghost problem." He started panicking when he saw her shoulders start shaking, was Y/N crying? How do you comfort a crying girl and not make her even more upset? "Are you okay? I'm sorry!" Y/N quickly turned to look at him, "Sorry? For what? Oh" "Okay, so not that perceptive with emotions..." He muttered to himself, Y/N furrowed her eyebrows but shrugged it off

"Anyway, what are your ghostly troubles? Perhaps I could help since I do happen to be of the ghostly variety." Y/N hesitated before blurting out her troubles, "OkaysotheresthisweirdghostmancalledCalebandhespossessingCalandIdontknowwhattodosoifyouhaveanyideasonhowtohelppleasetellme-"

"Okay, I know I'm a fast talker but I don't speed Sonic the Hedgehog so slow down and I'll help out as best as I can, alright?" Y/N nodded, suddenly taking great interest in the skin around her fingernails, "So, um, there's this ghost dude who is possessing Cal, he said his name was Caleb and that I either have to make a deal with him or I'll lose Cal forever." But if I do that I'll lose you too-

"Wow, that is rough. Um, okay, I'll get Alex to ask his boyfriend if there's anything we can do to help Cal. Just, don't worry about it too much, we'll get through this." Y/N sniffed, feeling her eyes start to water, "We? You'll really help me?" Reggie's gaze softened and he took both of her hands in his, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, "Of course I will, I'd never make you deal with this by yourself, and hey, now we know why Cal was loading you up with extra work!" Y/N chuckled, turning her gaze toward their intertwined hands, "Thanks, Reg. That means a lot." She smiled up at him as Reggie's face and tips of his ears turned red, "You okay? You're uh-" She took one of her hands away from his grip and gestured towards her face. Reggie looked away, his blush worsening, "Point is, I'm here for you, so don't worry! I'm gonna go ask Alex's boyfriend for help but I'll see you later."

Y/N nodded as she moved away, giving him space to poof, "Right, see ya later." Reggie held her gaze for a few more seconds before waving and poofing out.

"Well, I thought he'd never leave!"

Y/N spun around to face the purple-clad puppeteer she'd come to know as Caleb, "You. What do you want now?" She was met with a sinister laugh, one that she was quickly growing tired of. "My dear, I'm simply here to drop off something that will, when signed, make our deal permanent and binding." Y/N rolled her eyes, "And exactly why would I sign that?" She shivered as the slightly tense atmosphere turned frigid, if the feeling before could be described as a muddy red, agitated but otherwise harmless, this feeling was a piercing blue, capable of cutting through a person and freezing them in place. "Listen here, girlie. If you ever want to see your precious Cal again you'll have this signed before the end of the boys little performance on Friday. Is that clear?" Y/N swallowed before meeting his penetrating stare, "Crystal."

"Perfect, I'm glad there's no misunderstanding between us, I wouldn't want to accidentally lose Cal's soul whilst I'm possessing him." Y/N stared him down, hoping her glower had at least some effect on him. "You wouldn't dare-" "Darling, in case you hadn't noticed, you hold no power over me and saying something as pointless as that won't change anything. Now, here's my contract. Do think over it, won't you?" He placed it on the nearest surface before disappearing in a poof of black smoke. "Fucking dramatic ass bitch."

Y/N ran a hand over her face, groaning at the thought of more problems being added onto her already comically long list. "I hope Leather Boy's friend has some answers or I'm fucking done for..."


I'm back! Sorry, I had catch up on school work but luckily I have a week off now so more time to write. We're also nearing the end which makes me really sad lmao (if you have any requests or suggestions for other things to write about let a girl know lol)

I felt like adding more to the diner staff because it's meant to be like a family but you only know some names and that Sam is the best character here- Also, Caleb as Mother Gothel is my new favourite thing btw I have way too many Willex/Tangled headcanons for no reason lmao

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