Chapter 6

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A/N: Are you excited? I'm excited. I just wanna take this moment to thank you all for the support, it genuinely means the world. I worried for so long about putting my ideas out there and it means the world that people actually like them. So, if you're reading this and have a story in your drafts or an idea tucked away inside your mind, share it. I'm sure it will be amazing! Anyway, this part is shorter because I have exams this week, there will be a 6.5 part soon! Enjoy!


Y/N sped along the sidewalk, desperately clutching a stack of papers, binders and folder to her chest. One purple folder sat on top, empty. Her head was cocked to one side, holding her phone in place as she chatted with Cal about the lineup. They'd found another band that had pestered Cal until he agreed and a couple of solo or duet acts.

Who knew basically managing a bunch of different people every week before saying goodbye on Friday evening would be so stressful? Y/N. Y/N did. She tried to keep track of groups through nicknames, each uniquely for that act. For example, the group that had pestered Cal were dubbed the Highlighters. Hummus was the guy who had 4 tubs of hummus a day, pretty self-explanatory. And the group she was now practically sprinting to meet on time was christened Julie and the Himbos. Of course, she had nicknames for the individuals in each group but as a whole, they had their names. The nicknames for Julie's group were Firecracker, Lover Boy, Boomer and Leather Boy. She put thought into each nickname otherwise they might as well be non-existent, Julie was Firecracker because she had the spark and lit up the room like a firecracker, Lover Boy was obviously whipped for Julie, Alex reminded her of her favourite RowdyRuff boy and also he played the drums (Boom Boom) and Leather Boy just fit perfectly.

Y/N leant against the wall, quickly trying to catch her breath from the sprint over. She had arrived and wanted to at least look a little more professional than a girl being late and playing dress-up. She may be young but Y/N was worth taking seriously, at least when she was working she was. She straightened up and tried to help the pile of folders and paper regain a balanced form. Walking to the front door.

Y/N realised the dilemma she faced, how to knock on the door, or ring the doorbell. Blowing a piece of hair out her face, she decided that since banging her head on the door wasn't particularly an option that kicking it lightly with her foot would suffice. A few 'knocks' later, a kid Y/N didn't recognise appeared in the doorway, "You must be the waitress lady Julie was waiting for, her band get everyone in high spirits." He winks, laughing at his pun, "I'm Carlos, I'm somewhat of a ghost hunter around these parts." Y/N smiled awkwardly, "Uh, okay. Would you mind showing me the way to where she is?" Carlos stepped out, closing the door behind him and walked to the gate, Y/N trailing behind him trying to keep her stack balanced. "Just through here, they're in the garage." She smiled, "Thanks, little man, I appreciate it. See you when I see you." Y/N walked over to the garage door, once again faced with her favourite dilemma.

She 'knocked' again, a hurried "Coming!" and loud shuffling came from within before the door flew right open revealing a frazzled Julie.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Hey, Firecracker. Can I come in?"

"Firecracker? You know what I don't need to know, and, uh, sure."

"Thanks." Y/N walked inside and stood awkwardly by the sofa. "That's a lot of folders, do you like art?" She turned to see Reggie looking over her shoulder. "Oh, no, this is just all the info we have on all of the acts for Friday. The folder for you guys is the purple one on top. Julie, where can I put these, my arms are killing me."

"Oh, over there." Julie pointed to a coffee table settled comfortably next to the sofa, "Thanks, firecracker."

"Fire- huh?"

"Do we all get nicknames? 'Cause I'm feeling a little left out."

"Stop talking, it's serious band time."

", anyway, have you decided what song you'll be doing? Or will you be sticking with the song you demo'd for us?" The bandmates looked at each other, silently communicating, "We've decided that we want to do Stand Tall, it's a song that showcases everyone's talent. We figured if we were going to try and get a manager and with you helping us without getting anything in return then we should go all out." Julie explained, a smile growing on her face as she positioned herself behind her keyboard.

"We played this at the Orpheum not too long ago so we thought-" "-more like I thought and then told you." "-Right, Julie thought that this song could be our good luck charm and anthem-" "-Plus, it's partly written by my mom so it makes it even more special." "-Exactly, so yeah." Julie and Luke smiled at each other, their finishing each other's sentences and adding details was adorably sickening.

Y/N sat there slightly shocked, "You performed at the Orpheum? And you still wanna perform at our little diner?" Julie rolled her eyes and stared at her with an eyebrow raised, "Your so-called 'little diner' is legendary and on Friday's it's literally the best place on Earth to find your way into a real music career!"

"Aw, you read up on us? I feel so loved. Anyway, I need to hear it and write notes on it so Cal can give you pointers, is it alright if you video it too?"

"Sure thing, it'll help us in the long run anyway."

Y/N smiled, sitting down on the sofa, the purple folder nestled in her lap with paper resting atop where she would write her notes. Julie placed her phone on the coffee table, propped up against a vase of flowers. Y/N leant forward, as Julie went back to her position, and hit record.

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