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I walked through the small quiet town in my hospital gown to my house where my mother was probably working. I craved to cleanse my self, wiping away all the blood, and sweat. My feet burned as if i was walking on fire. I walked over to a bench in the local park, and sat down to solve what was burning my feet. I pulled my leg up setting it on my other, while i bent down observing my black, and blood feet. I must have scraped off some skin while i was walking on the hard rough asphalt. I thought to myself. Creakkkk!! Went the old bench. I sat up from picking off small pieces of asphalt lodged inside my foot. I looked all around me alarmed from the loud creaking noise. I turned my gaze towards a lump of blackness sitting next to me on the bench. I rubbed my eyes trying to clear my vision. Suddenly, the lump of darkness began to look more and more like a human as my eye sight sharpened. The lump turned out to be a human about the age of 17 with a black sweater on. The teen was leaning forward looking down at the sidewalk. I scooted closer to him as i tapped him on the shoulder. He turned his head looking closer at me then began taking his headphones off.
"Yeah can i help you?" asked the teen.
I starred at him observing his chiseled features.
Ummm? Yeah do you mind telling me why you came to sit next to me when there are other park benches to sit at. I asked starring at him confused.
"Well i am just waiting for my shift to start at Freddy Fazbears pizzeria and this is the closest bench..... And you seemed kinda cute." he said while turning a bright red in his cheeks.
I starred at him amazed by how he was being so nice, but the feeling went away, when i thought he had just probably not seen the news yet.
"What brings a cute little fella sitting on a bench at night in a hospital gown? asked the cute boy.
I.... I kind of just murdered my Doctor and broke out of a hospital. I replied waiting for the teen to run away in fear.
I starred at the teen waiting for him to bolt away, but the moment never came. He just starred at me looking me dead in the eyes.
"Whoa really thats so cool. Wow you must have tons of courage to do that. And Whoa is that purple skin? asked the teen excitedly.
I nodded to the teen smiling at the strange connection between us.
"My name is Mike. Nice to meet you." replied Mike while he shoved his hand out in front of me for me to shake.
I starred down at the hand with tears wanting to escape. I jumped onto Mike squeezing him tight.
"Whoa whoa whoa dude we just met, lets take things slow." said Mike slowly accepting the hug.
"Hey are you interested in a job?" asked Mike.
I looked at him thinking about my answer. I haven't thought about what i was going to do after i murdered my mother. I don't plan on going back to school so why not i asked my self.
Yeah totally. I said enthusiastically.
"Ok well at Freed Faze Bears Pizzeria they are hiring. They are looking for another security guard on the night shift." said Mike as he stared straight into my eyes.
Ok sure, but what do you mean by another? Will i be working with a partner? i asked confused.
"Ummm yeah if you are hired you will cover one side on the building while i cover the other side" replied Mike covering his face so i wouldn't see him blushing.
He looked away from me as i blushed as red as he was. I stood up from the bench and hung over him.
It sadly is that time now. I have some business to take care of, and i believe your shift is about to start. I said while bowing my self away.
He looked at his watch then stood up from the bench. He gave me a friendly smile then ran across the street to a building. I stared at him until he entered the building. I turned back in the direction i was heading and continued my way to kill my mother.

I stepped up to the front door flinching at every step i took. I stood in front of the door smiling evilly. I placed my hand on the door knob and turned it opening the door. I heard my mother in her room with another customer; both of them moaning loudly. I made my way through the house all the way to my mothers room. I stood in front of her door planing my murder, until it came to me. No mater how much my feet hurt i lifted my foot up and thrusted it through the door. I stepped in watching my mother, and her customer covering them selves. I smiled evilly as i looked into the large mirror in her room noticing my eyes were as black as night. I could imagine the man my mother was pleasing had either sharded or wet his self. The look on my mothers face was hilarious; she looked like a confused little puppy. I began walking closer to my mother watching as she backed away from me. The man exposed him self and tried to run past me; trying to escape his fate. I grabbed onto his his arm pulling him in front of me. I smiled as my leg lifted from the ground and was shoved at the mans groin. He screeched with pain as i kicked him so hard my foot broke through his bladder, pelvic girdle, and his rectum all the way into his stomach. I pulled my bloody foot out of him as he fell to the ground. I bent down an reached into his stomach searching for something to grab. I went farther up into his torso and reached for a bone. I grabbed his humerus and yanked it out of him. I stood up from my knees and began walking over to my mother, who was now frozen with fear.
"Vincent!! NO!!! You don't have to do this. You know i love you." yelled my mother trying to escape her death.
No mother! You don't love me! Thats why i am going to murder you! I yelled at my mother.
I jumped onto the bed pushing all my weight to my legs. She was shot up from the bed into the celling head first. She hung from her head in the celling for a few minuets, and then she started strangling to get free. I threw the bed to the side moving out of my way. I was filled all the way up with anger; it boiled inside me craving to escape. I rushed over to my mothers naked body and started stabbing her with the bone. I repeatedly jabbed her with anger and sadness of never being loved by her. I began crying, then screaming; i kept remembering every time she would by me my favorite dinner and then she would say i was a mistake. After jabbing my mother a few hundred times i threw the bone covered with blood to the ground. She hung lifelessly from the celling swaying side to side with her entire stomach exposed. I carved out her entire stomach with the bone; i had continuously stabbed her until her stomach had fallen out on its own. I stared at the body wondering what was so imperfect about my mom. I couldn't think of anything except slutty. I walked up to her body pulling down on her legs waiting for her head to break the rest of the celling, and fall down. Her body fell showing her last expression before she died; a scared terrified look painted her face for the rest of eternity. Her eyes were filled with tears flowing out of her like a rushing river. I looked down into her eyes expecting for her to wake, but she didn't. I felt bad. Even though she never loved me she took care of me; she raised me. I let a small tears trickle down my face.
Now will you excuse me mother i have an interview to prepare for. I said as i turned around heading for my room to freshen up.

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