Becoming a Father and an Employee

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After cleaning all the blood and sweat off of my body, i headed for Freddys Faze Bears Pizzeria. I had found my tuxedo from a previous high school dance, and decided to wear it. I arrived in front of the building where a small younger boy stood crying his eyes out. I got out of my car and walked over to him.
What's wrong little guy? i asked as i crouched down next to him.
He had beautiful blond locks pouring off the top of his head ending at his shoulders. He turned to me staring at me with big bold purple eyes. I grabbed ahold of him looking deep into his eyes with worry. His skin was so pure, so soft, so much like mine. He was like me.
What's wrong little fella? i asked again releasing my grasp of him.
"They wont let me in. They say i am to ugly." said the little boy while wiping the stream of tears from his face.
He stopped crying and stood there looking at me wit sadness. It hit me. I knew what had happened. He was like me; a beautiful child that was hated because of his perfection. I caressed his hair with my fingers, while staring at him with a smile. I had to help him; i had to take away this pain from him.
Do you want me to take away this pain, and sorrow? I can help you. I asked.
He looked at me thinking about his answer.
I can help you get revenge on anyone who ever hated you. I can take care of you. Don't you want all of them to pay? i asked the child.
His hair covered his face blocking my view of his eyes. A small tear trickled down his check, but he wiped it away. He rushed towards me with his arms open; he hugged me. I accepted his hug with happiness.
"Can you help me? Can you help me Purple Man? I want them all to pay." whispered the boy into my ear.
Emotions rushed through me; i felt all these kind of emotions filling my body. I felt wonderful. I squeezed the boy tight never wanting to let go.
He stepped back from hugging after doing it for about an hour, and he stared at me.
"I want to be like you Daddy. I wanna grow up and be just like my Daddy." said the boy.
I looked at him felling so wanted. I felt like i had a place in the world now.
You will be like your Daddy. You will make your Daddy very proud. I said as i looked into his eyes.
He smiled at me with happiness flowing through him. I walked closer to him extending my arm out. My eyes filled with darkness as i placed my hand on his heart. My nails grew with a sharpened tip at the end. I pointed my index finger on his chest and began making the outline of a heart cutting through his shirt and skin. Tears of joy flowed out of his eyes;down his face; down to the ground. He smiled at me brightly.
"See you on the other side Daddy." called out my son before i shoved my hand inside his chest. He smiled as more and more tears poured out of him. I reached inside and grabbed his heart. I pulled my arm out with his heart in my hand. I pressed it to my chest were my heart would be. I applied more and more pressure to it until it bursted with black blood.
"See you soon" were his last words before he collapsed to the ground with a smile on his face.

I flipped my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911. The phone rang until a woman answered.
Freddy Faze Bears Pizzeria. I said as i hung up the phone and walked into the building.
The smell of greasy pizza filled my nostrils causing my nose to scrunch up with disgust. Children ran around the small building with pizza smeared on their face. From the corner of my eyes i spotted a large brown robotic creature handing out cake to children. It turned to me with a dark evil smile. It was quite terrifying but not as terrifying as me. I walked over to the front desk where a lady sat chewing her gum, while reading a magazine. When i stepped to the front desk, she looked at me then pointed next to her self towards a hall.
"Go straight down the hall then make a left when you meet the end of the hall." said the woman as she smacked her lip.
I turned in the direction she pointed to and headed down the hall. I knocked at the door waiting for a response. I heard giggles and laughs. Suddenly, the door bursted open with naked women covering their breast and giggling past me into another room. I entered the room to find an old man buttoning up his shirt. I sat down in a chair, but as i did i wish i didn't. I sat in a strange sticky liquid that caused me to slip out of the chair. I stood up from the chair and sat in another chair angrily trying not to kill this man in front of me. The room smelled of alcohol and smoke like my house. The man was bald and chubby. He had two chins working on a third. I cleared my throat then spoke.
Hello sir i am here to apply for your second night watch guard. Here is my resume. I said handing him the folder with my information.
He glanced at it a few times before responding.
"You"re hired!" yelled the man.
Really?! i asked the man nearly jumping out of my seat.
"Sure why not. Just don't expect any raises or anything like that." replied the man.
Wow i thought i couldn't believe how fast this was going.
When do you need me to start? i asked the man.
"How about tonight?"
Yes i can start tonight. I said answering his question.
"Great! you know what Vincent i think we are gonna get along just fine. Here is your uniform, and i will see you in about three hours." said the man.
"Now if you will excuse me i have some business to attend to. Said the man as he pointed towards the door.
As i was leaving i saw a group of naked girls run into my new bosses office.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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