Chapter 5

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* picture at the top is Ara
Have you ever felt like you just wanted to melt into someone's embrace and stay like that forever. Well that's what I felt like being in Caden's arms. I wanted to stay in the position as long as time will let us. But like always something has to come in the way.
" Ara?"
My head automatically turned toward the source of the voice. Standing at the door, was my sister. She like me had been changed into different clothes. Her curly blond hair that usually fell down her face was up in a ponytail. The usual spark that was imbedded in her blue eyes were missing. She looked tired and weak. It pained me to see her like this. I could still feel the sparks on my lower back where Caden still had his arms wrapped around me. But at that moment, he was the last of my problems.
I did the first thing that came to my mind. I ran out of Caden's arms straight to my sister. Even though I only met Caden today, I know I'm going to love him, but my sister came first. She has always came first and will always come first.
" Oh my god, Mellie, " I exclaimed. I could physically feel all the stress roll of my body in waves. I didn't notice that I was squeezing her until I could hear her breath coming out in strained pants.
I immediately let go off her. Just seeing her made me happy. When she was born, I couldn't help but notice that she looked half like ma and half like dad. It was unbelievable. She had ma's striking blue eyes that you could seem to get lost in every time you look at her. She had dads curly blond hair that could never be straightened. Use a straightening iron or an iron itself, her hair could never be tamed.
She had ma's straight long nose and her tall lean figure. Even at the age of five, she stood at an outstanding 5"4, taller than most girls her age. As well as that, she had my fathers defined cheek bones and his witty personality.
Whenever I look at her, it makes me happy. It's like I can see my parents through her.
" Ara, why are you cwying?" She asked in her cute little voice.
I didn't notice that I was crying. I never do. When I was getting beaten and hit in my old pack, I used to cry. A lot. Eventually, I couldn't even tell if I was crying or not. It was just a numb feeling.
As those words left her mouth, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and a head rest in between my shoulder and my head. I knew who it was by the sparks I could feel rising up my body. Spreading heat around me.
I didn't bother pushing him off me anymore. I needed him. I needed to feel his warmth and I needed his embraced.
I looked down at my sister.
" How are you. Have you eaten anything. Did you sleep well?" All of those questions were the first thing on my mind. As long as my sister was alright. I was alright.
She smiled at me before she replied.
" Yes, yes and yes. This really pretty girl, gave my new clothes to wear and she gave me food. She made me chocolate chip pancakes, my favourite, and they were soo good. Almost as good as yours but not quite. And this other guy, he had long girlish hair and he was so nice and he got me a teddy bear and when the pretty girl wouldn't let me have ice cream he snuck me in some and..."
I couldn't help but laugh at her small rant, but I knew I had to stop her now or there's no stopping her ever.
" Ok,ok that good to know." She knew at that point to stop talking.
"Ara, who is that. Is he your boyfriend"
I didn't know what to say. Since he is my mate, we are destined to spend the rest of our lives together. I might as well tell her now than her finding out later.
" Yes Mellie, he's my boyfriend, but he's also my mate"
I could literally feel Caden smile behind me.
Considering that fact that my sister is only five, she didn't know what a mate was. She was meant to be told what a mate was by my parents, but when my parents died, those responsibilities were passed onto me. I just never could find the right time to tell her.
" What's a mate?"
For some reason, I couldn't find the right words. I just didn't think it was the right time to drop something like that on her now. She was still so young and naive.
" Its nothing. It's just like a boyfriend." I told her with a smile on my face.
The next thing I know, the door leading into the office flung open and in came the mysterious beautiful girl who was with me when I was in the bedroom.
" Oh my God Mellie. I thought I lost you. Sorry alph...."
She immediately cut off her sentence as if she was scared she was going to say the wrong thing. She looked from me to Caden and back again, looking at the position we were in. Her eyes then stopped on Caden and she gave him a disappointed look. As her and Caden looked at each other, as if they were talking to each other through mind link.
I took this time to take in her appearance. Apart from her long brown hair and her tall lean figure, I couldn't help but notice that her and Caden had the the same deep brown eyes that you could seem to get lost in. As well as that, they both had amazing dark brown hair that seemed to shine in the sunlight.
Then everything clicked. They must be related. There is no way two people who are not related could look so much alike.
As I was taking everything in, her eyes immediately flickered to mine and she widened her eyes as if she had just figured out the most interesting thing in the world. She looked me up and down. As she looked back at my eyes, I couldn't help but see them filled with pride. Where is that coming from?
" Ara, meet my sister Eabha. Eabha, meet my mate Ara" Caden said. He seemed to notice my fear and help me tighter. Giving my hip a little reassuring squeeze.
I'm standing in front of my mates sister. I can't help but feel shy, scared and insecure all at the same time.
What if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't approve? If she doesn't approve, the rest of the pack probably won't.
I think she sensed my fear because she smiled at me and did something really unexpected. She ran straight to me and squeezed me into a killer hug.
" Hi, I'm Eabha. It's so nice to finally meet you" she said after she let me go out if that killer hug.
She put her hand out waiting for me to shake it.
I just stood there dumbfounded.
Oh god help me...


Hi guys :-)
Thanks for reading my book.
I know a lot of you guys have been waiting for this update but I've been really busy lately and haven't had anytime to update. Sorry about that but I'm back now and I'm not going back. I'd like to read your comments about my story so please comment and tell me if you like my book or not. Don't forget to vote.
The next update should come in a week because I'm going on a trip to Paris with my school this week so I won't be able to update. But maybe I'll surprise you guys and update tomorrow. Don't know
Anyways, thanks for reading my book
Xox Cliche_6656 xox

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