Chapter 1

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Nothing in this story should be in any shape or form written, or mentioned in any other book.


" We can't continue anymore. We must leave. Start a new life somewhere else" - Arabella Hyson


Ara'a POV
I slowly opened the oak doors. Checking both directions to see if the coast was clear.

After confirming that no one was about to walk my way, I opened the door more and place my left foot carefully outside.

Cold shivers ran up my spine at the contact of my swollen feet against the cold wooden floors. My hands went up to meet my shoulders in a means of warmth but to no avail.

A cold gush of air flew past me and made the prickling shiver more intense to a point were my back was almost completely numb.

Placing my right foot onto the floor as well, my hands slammed gently against the opposing vanilla colored wall trying to steady my balance and trying to regain at least an ounce of my strength as a feeling of nausea fell over me.

Feeling so week. So useless and in a state where I was prepared to give up, the quiet serene snores could be heard from my little bundle of joy wrapped up in a blanket on the ragged bed.

Her oblivious snores sounded calm, happy almost as she dreams ,escaping her harsh reality.

Just hearing them made me more determined to get both me and her out of here.

To get her out of this damned place she sadly had to call her home. Away from the people she had to call her family. Away from the sad life she so far had to live.

Just the thought of her and I starting a new life somewhere gave me a little bit of hope. Enough hope to push me further.

With the last bit of strength I had in me, I pushed my worn out body off the wall and continued my short journey toward the entrance to the house.

As I reached the main hall, I turned the old brass handle and pushed the door open. Warm air rushed at me, bringing colour back into my pale cheeks.

The sun was slowly ascending towards the east.

The colours were a mixture of oranges, blues and purples. The sun was in the shape of a semi-circle which dappled the purple sky.

The smell of sea water was pungent and the sound of the waves crashing together violently had me at ease.

Everything outside was so peaceful.

So peaceful that a simple bystander would never guess the horrible and evil things going on inside the pack house.

With one last look at my freedom, our freedom, I turned on my heel and ran back into the house.
Back to where all my nightmares had begun and hopefully will soon end.

Turning the corner and entering my room, my mind was set on one thing and one thing only. Getting us out of here, no matter the cost.

As I entered the room, I noticed the bed was left empty. The blanket was thrown hastily onto the floor and the door to the adjoining bathroom was left wide open.

The little rucksack I had packed and placed neatly beside the door along with my sisters tattered shoes were gone, leaving nothing behind.

I automatically went into panic mode. Only the negative thoughts seemed to invade my mind.

As I was thinking about where Mellissa could be, an almost inaudible sound of crying could be heard from the small closet attached to the wall.

Slowly tip toeing towards the closet, I opened it to reveal my sister. Sitting in a hunched position with her head buried in her hands.

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