Chapter Twenty Five

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"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view."


Joint Counter Terrorist Centre. Berlin, Germany. May 2016.

Once again you were back in the small office off the JCTC Control Room. You held your head in your hands, elbows resting on the table. They had already carted off Clint, Sam, Scott, and Wanda to a place called The Raft. You had watched them place Wanda in a straight jacket and then lock a shock collar around her neck before loading her into the transport. She looked so defeated, almost resigned to it. It made you furious.

You would have been taken there too, but T'Challa decided if he couldn't have Bucky Barnes, he would settle for his supposed accomplice. You suspected he planned on using you as bait in some way once the Task Force had asked all their questions and officially turned you over to him.

You sighed; your thoughts wandered once again to Bucky. You hoped he would forgive you for going after T'Challa. You told him you would stay close, and you broke that promise. Knowing that you broke a promise, even if it was for the right reasons, killed you inside. You were glad he had Steve with him; he wouldn't be able to face the place he feared most alone.

"I'm beginning to think we should have never left Austria in the first place. Then we wouldn't be in this fucking mess."

The door to the office swung open. Tony stomped over to the table and flopped down in a chair with a loud sigh. He looked battered. Small cuts littered his face; he was sporting a large shiner. His left arm hung in a sling. He pulled out his phone to check something and then tossed it onto the table. He leaned forward, staring at you. You defiantly stared back, narrowing your eyes. "How's the Colonel?" you asked sincerely.

Tony shook his head, "Most likely paralyzed; we will know more when they fly him back to the States." You nodded, asking no further questions nor offering any sympathy. "Tell me where they went," Tony ordered.

"No," you said simply.

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean no; you wanna hear it in Romanian?...Nu."

Tony tilted his head to the side, "Now who's being immature?"

You rolled your eyes. "Lemme guess no one else talked so you figured you'd try me?" You chuckled condescendingly. "Big mistake."

"Do you know what he is?"

"I know who he is, Stark," you spat. "But I have a feeling you are about to give me your unsolicited opinion anyway."

"He's a killer, Y/N...a weapon. He's murdered hundreds of people, most of them innocent people. You've seen him...You know what he can do. The records don't lie."

"The records are not the whole picture," you said evenly.

"You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that won't change its nature."

You snorted, shaking your head at his attempts to sway your loyalty, to plant seeds of doubt in your mind. "Wow..." You rubbed your forehead tiredly, "You know, for someone who always assumes they are the smartest person in the room, you are unbelievably ignorant. People only listen to you because you act like you know what you are talking about when you actually know nothing. You just have your opinions." Tony was silent. "You honestly think that I, of all people, am just going to switch sides because as the self-appointed smartest person in the room, you are always right about everything?" You paused, leaning forward, looking him dead in the eye. "One day, your assumptions and your attitude are going to be your doom, Tin Man, and I really hope I am there to see it."

epiphany.   (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now