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So I know I said there will be a short epilogue but this one is basically as long as a chapter - so enjoy!!!

Also, check out the epiphany Apple Music playlist, the link is on my profile.

WARNINGS: Gratuitous smut of the smuttiest kind.

"Gravity, don't mean that much to me

Now I'm floating near the atmosphere

No shackles on my feet

And I know I may be already gone

Just promise you'll stay strong and carry on."


S.H.I.E.L.D. Chalet. The Austrian Alps. May 2016.

Much to the dismay of Lila and Cooper, you, Bucky, Steve, Sam, Wanda, and Pietro boarded the Quinjet to return to Austria only a few hours after arriving at the Barton Homestead. Steve didn't want to risk running into any form of law enforcement that may come looking for Clint. Everyone was tired of fighting for now. The flight to Austria was quiet. The gravity of what had transpired over the past 48 hours settled over everyone's mind. You and Bucky sat in a secluded corner of the jet away from the others. His head laid in your lap and you played with his hair, lulling him into a light sleep.

"We'll stay in touch, guys, I promise," Bucky soothed. Fat tears rolled down Lila's face when Laura told her that you and Bucky wouldn't be staying this time around. Cooper fell silent and stood sullen slightly away from the group near the jet.

"It won't be two years before you see us again," you affirmed, ruffling Cooper's hair. "Maybe one day you guys can come visit us, yeah?"

Cooper looked to his father and mother. "Can we Dad?" he asked.

"One day soon, pal," Clint said. He moved in to hug you. "Thank you for coming back for us. I wouldn't have blamed you for wanting to stay out of it after everything you and Buck have been through."

You shook your head, "You would have done the same for us. You're my family, Clint. I don't leave my family behind."

"You gonna be okay? With my connections, we can probably figure out a deal for you. But, I don't know about Buck."

You turned to look at Bucky who comforted Lila and Cooper. He attempted to make them laugh; a small smile spread across Lila's face. "Thanks, but where he goes I go." You smiled, making eye contact at Steve who stood nearby, "'Til the end of the line." Steve smiled and nodded.

"I figured," Clint said with a smile and slight nod. "Keep in touch; I'm a phone call away. I may be under house arrest, but I will do everything I can to help if you need me."

"I will," you embraced him once more. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Nightingale."

Laura moved in to say her goodbyes, wrapping you in a warm embrace. "Be safe, Y/N." She looked over her shoulder to Bucky then back to you, "Take care of each other."

"I will, Mom," you squeezed her tightly. "Thank you for everything."

She smiled warmly; her hands cupped your face, "Love you."

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