Chapter 1

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(I saw this texting story about Komori and Akagi and now I'm OBSESSED. But they're such a rare pair that I have to write my own fics :/)

The Inarizaki High volleyball team was sitting in their gym. They were sitting in a circle together chatting and stretching. They were currently waiting for their opponents for their practice match to show up.

"Who do you guys think we're going up against?" Akagi said reaching forward to grab the tips of his toes, simultaneously stretching his legs and back. They weren't told by their coach who exactly this practice match was against. They all just assumed that he didn't think it mattered to them.

Kita hummed to himself, leaning back on his hands to let his back rest. "Maybe Shiratorizawa? They are usually good opponents for us." He looked around at his teammates for a second before going to do the butterfly stretch.

"Sure they're good opponents, but I'm TIRED of going against 'em." Atsumu wined, falling backwards to lay sprawled out on the floor, looking up at the ceiling lights.

"Stop your whining. It's annoying." Suna deadpanned, not even looking at the other boy.

"Shut yer trap!" Atsumu sat up slightly, leaning on his elbows.

The team laughed a little at Atsumu's reaction. At this point they were done stretching and just sitting around and talking. That's when their coach walked in, looking at the team. "What are you guys doing just sitting around?" Coach Kurosu said, crossing his arms.

"Sorry sir. We were finished stretching and we didn't know what to do." Kita said standing up from the floor and bowing slightly then standing up straight.

"It's fine, I would say you guys start warming up for real. Itachiyama is almost here." Their coach turned to walk out of the gym, but he was stopped by Akagi calling out to him.

"Wait coach, we're going against Itachiyama?"

Kurosu tilted his head slightly in confusion. "Yeah? Didn't I tell you guys?"


"Oh, well, now you know." He shrugged and continued his walk out of the gym.

The boys watched him walk out of the gym. Once he was gone, they sorta just looked around at each other for a second. After a little bit of silence, and Riseki going to get the ball cart, the coach's words finally set in. That's when Atsumu started to freak out, jumping up and down and squealing. This caused everyone to snap their heads around to look at him, very concerned.

"I get to see Omi-Omi!" Atsumu started running around the gym from excitement.

Ah yes, Sakusa Kiyoomi. Atsumu's boyfriend. Ever since the two started dating, the rest of Inarizaki dreaded going against Itachiyama. Well, they always dreaded going against them since they were so good. But when Sakusa and Atsumu started dating, Atsumu would always be so clingy when they were off the court. The other members of both of the teams are fed up with all of their PDA. Everyone, of course, was bothered by it. But the one that was bothered the most was Akagi. He was envious? I guess you could say that. Everytime Itachiyama showed up, or they went over there for either practice or official matches, Atsumu got to hang out with his boyfriend. All Akagi got to do was stare at his crush from across the gym.

Who was his crush? It was Itachiyama's libero (who looked oddly like a puppy) Motoya Komori. Ever since their first match against his team, he couldn't get the boy out of his head. His light brown hair, his thin pupils and, Akagi's favorite part, his round, thick eyebrows. Just thinking about the boy made the shorter libero's cheeks warm up. Akagi started to space out when he felt someone hit him on the back, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Ginjima looking at him, with an eyebrow raised.

"You good? We said that we're gonna start warming up now." Ginjima said, concerned for his teammate.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine, just spacing out." He waved off the taller boy and walked over to the court to start practicing his receives with the rest of the team. He was doing what liberos do best and he was getting the ball back into the air while the others practiced their spikes, serves, and also their receives.

Akagi had just sent another ball flying into the air when he heard the door of the Inarizaki gym open. He stood up and turned to look over at the entrance. Standing there was the Itachiyama Institute volleyball team. As he, and the rest of the team walked over to greet them, he couldn't take his eyes off of Komori. The boy was just so beautiful.

Both of the teams bow, greeting each other verbally. Once they stood up straight, Akagi made direct eye contact with Komori. The taller boy smiled widely at him, showing off his pearly white teeth. That image alone caused Akagi's mind to spiral.

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