Chapter 4

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Komori woke up at some time of the night. It obviously wasn't morning yet since it was still pitch black outside. He was pretty confused as to why he woke up at such a random time. He then realized that he needed to use the bathroom. He went to climb out of the futon until he realized something was stopping him. Nothing was really being registered in his half asleep state, that was until he looked down. He snapped wide awake at the sight.

He saw one thing that he always day-dreamed about at random times of the day. His crush Akagi Michinari was cuddled into his side. Akagi was probably a sleep hugger, but that didn't translate well in Komori's shocked state. He felt his breath catch in his chest, and his cheeks light on fire. He gulped as he gently shuffled his way out of Akagi's arms. When he was out, he quietly ran over to the bathroom. When he got there he let out the breath that he didn't know he was holding. He looked into the mirror to see his whole face on fire.

"Ughhhhh." Komori groaned as he let his head drop. He turned on the faucet and splashed some water in his face. Through the water droplets in his eyelashes, he could see his still beet red face. Why him!? Did he do something to offend the gods? Was this karma for something else he did in the past? Make him share a bed with his crush who happens to be a sleep hugger? Komori's mind was running. His mind was running in circles like a toy train. At this point, he felt like he was spiraling into a pit of some sort.


The taller libero whipped around to see Akagi standing there in the doorway, rubbing away the tiredness out of his eyes.

"Hey...why are you awake?"

"Are you alright? I felt you get up super frantically."

"Yeah I'm fine! I didn't mean to wake you up!" Komori felt pretty bad. Akagi looked so peaceful while sleeping. It was so cute...

"Are you sure? You're sweating a bunch."

"Yeah I'm good believe me. I just get warm easily." Komori lied and rubbed the back of his neck, noticing how moist it was. He didn't want to tell Akagi that he was splashing water in his face over his stupid feelings. Making everything obvious and junk.

"....alright." Akagi didn't believe a word Komori said to him. It was actually pretty cold in the rooms. Getting warm there would be a merricle. He just wanted to hog the entire blanket to himself, that's how cold it actually was in there.

"You can go back. I'll be there soon." Komori turned around to actually use the bathroom since he completely forgot about that, but Akagi grabbed his arm stopping him. Komori turned back to the shorter boy to see him looking down at the ground.

"Hey, um...I know we aren't THAT close, but you can talk to me if you really need to. I'll listen." Akagi glanced up at him once, but besides that his eyes didn't leave the floor. The other just stared at him in shock, his voice caught in his throat.

"Thanks Akagi. I'll remember that." Komori smiled gently as the other let go of his sleeve and walked out of the bathroom. The remaining boy looked away from the entrance of the bathroom and ran into the nearest stall. He closed and locked the door. He slid down the locked door, holding his chest near his heart. Does this always happen when your crush touches you? It feels like one of his lungs was about to collapse any second now. After a few deep breaths, he actually went to the bathroom, washed his hands, and quietly made his way back to the room. When he got there, he saw Akagi hugging a pillow. In all honesty, he felt jealous. That's when he took a double take on what he just thought. Was he really getting jealous of a pillow? With a quiet sigh he climbed onto the futon next to Akagi and tried to fall back to sleep.

Akagi felt Komori lay back down next to him. When he came back from talking to the other boy in the bathroom, he didn't actually go back to sleep. During their conversation, he noticed that Komori was blushing a bit. Did something embarrassing happen? What if he hugged him while sleeping? Oh god. Please don't tell me he did. He wondered if he could ask him in the morning. No. Confronting him would be way worse than just hugging him. Plus it was in his sleep. If he confronted him, then Komori might think that he was awake and doing it on purpose. Akagi shoved his head into the pillow he was holding to his chest. He just needed to sleep this off.

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