Chapter 3

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Komori woke up as he felt someone shaking awake. He blinked multiple times to clear his vision. When he could properly see, he looked over to see that it was Akagi who was the one shaking him awake.

"What's going on...?" He mumbled under his breath, not fully awake yet.

"We're almost at the restaurant. I wanted to wake you up before we got there."

"Oh. Thanks." Komori sat up and stretched, feeling a little stiff from sleeping on a bus. He cracked his neck and leaned back in his chair, looking up at the bus ceiling.

"Hey Komori?"

The boy looked over at Akagi at the mention of his name. "Hmm?"

"We're gonna stick together, right?"

"Of course! We already agreed to it, didn't we?." Komori flashed him a closed eyed smile.

"You're right. I just wanted to make sure" Akagi laughed nervously at his own stupid quesiton. Komori just placed his hand on the other boy's shoulder reassuringly.

"I wouldn't just ditch you." The both of them laughed as they pulled into the parking lot of the small BBQ place. Everyone decided as a group that a little bit of protein wouldn't hurt anyone.

They all got off the bus, making sure to stick with the partner they chose back at the school. Both Itachiyama and Inarizaki were chatting freely with each other. They all quieted down once they entered the place they were eating at. Sakusa didn't even want to enter because apparently it "looked dirty", but Atsumu and Komori managed to get him into the restaurant somehow. They got 2 large tables for all the students to sit at. Their coaches sat at a smaller table right next to thiers. Everyone started to talk quietly among themselves.

They had already ordered their food and Akagi was chatting with Kosaku, who was sitting across from him, when Ginjima tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to his teammate who gestured to him to come closer. When he leaned over, Ginjima whispered into his ear.

"How did you manage to sit next to your crush all night?" The silver haired boy muttered. Akagi just shoved him away and sent him a glare, causing the other to laugh.

"What? I just wanted to know!"

"Screw off Ginjima." Akagi hissed under his breath. The other boy was sent into another fit of laughter as their food arrived.

It went practically silent as they all ate their food. There were small conversations here and there but nothing was notable for someone to remember. A couple of people laid their head down on the table once they were done with their food, seeing as they were still tired from the match and it was also late at night. Once everyone was done, it was almost midnight. They all got back onto the bus and waited as their coaches contacted everyone's parents, slowly, but surely. They finally ended up deciding to stay at the nearest hotel since it was a nice ride away from Inarizaki High.

"I didn't think this would turn into a fully away match!" Atsumu called out from the near back of the bus, causing Osamu who was sitting behind him to smack him on the head.

"Things don't always go as planned." Itachiyama's captain, Iizuna, called back.

"Thank you Iizuna." Kita said, exasperated.

The bus went silent as everyone slowly fell asleep. It was past midnight by the time they reached the hotel. Everyone groaned as they woke up to loud clapping made by Kita.

"C'mon guys. We have to get into bed."

They all stretched and yawned as they grabbed their gym bags and got off the bus, walking into the hotel.

"Since this was unexpected, we're gonna have to use our own funds since we can't use the school's without proper permission beforehand. So to save money, you're gonna have to share a futon with your partner." Itachiyama's coach said, taking out his wallet to pay at the front desk.

Akagi's face paled at his words. Sharing a bed....with his crush. Oh god why did he agree to being his partner. He looked over at Komori to see the other boy already looking at him. They both looked away at the same time in surprise. Ginjima elbowed Akagi in his side, and when they looked at eachother, Ginjima raised his eyebrows suggestively. Akagi felt his face flush but just looked away, too tired to deal with his bull crap right now.

Komori gulped as they were led into the rooms. The idea of having to share a futon with Akagi wasn't doing well on his chest right now. He took a deep breath as he set his gym bag down on the floor. Their groups were split into two and he was lucky enough to have Sakusa and Atsumu in the same room as him and Akagi. Now he can rant to his cousin while Inarizaki's team is taking a bath.

"Whose team wants to shower once Sakusa gets out?" Coach Kurosu asked both of the team captains. They both just looked at each other in silence before Kita decided that Inarizaki would get to bathe first. Once they were all gone, Komori walked over to Sakusa, getting ready to rant his heart out to his cousin.

"You know what I'm going to say right?" He started.

"Yada yada..sharing a bed....yada yada....freaking out." Sakusa mimicked someone talking with his hand.

"Precisely! How am I supposed to sleep with him, when I can barely talk to him?!"

"That sounds wrong."

"You made it sound wrong!" Komori grabbed the pillow off of his side of the futon and screamed into it.

"Shut up. It's only one night and we'll be back home. You're making a big deal out of nothing."

"Do I need to bring back our texts from before you and Atsumu started dating?"

"Alright fine, I see where you're coming from. Just don't bring those back." Sakusa ripped the pillow out of Komori's arms and threw it back onto the futon. "Why don't you get his number tomorrow before we leave? We're going to be hanging out for a while."

"Do you really think I can do that?" Komori glared at his cousin in disbelief.

The dark haired boy smacked the other in the back of his head. "You already asked him to be your partner for this entire trip. It won't be that different."

Komori opened his mouth to respond when the others walked back into the room.

"Bath's open." Akagi said walking over, rubbing his hair dry with a towel.

"Thanks." Komori grabbed his stuff and went to the bathroom with the rest of Itachiyama, minus Sakusa who already showered before everyone else.

"Aren't you going to get in?" Akagi asked Sakusa, confused.

"I got in before the rest of you. Your germs would've gotten the bathhouse dirty even more than it already is."

The libero looked at the other boy, concerned. 'Get the bathhouse dirty?' He thought to himself, but he didn't question him about it.

It was very late by the time the rest of Itachiyama got out of the bath and they were told to go to bed. Komori and Akagi climbed in next to each other, back to back. They both felt their hearts pounding in their chests, and their cheeks lighting in fire. Eventually, sleep hit everyone in the hotel as they all drifted off into a nice sleep.

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