Chapter 6

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It was a couple weeks later. Akagi and Komori talked practically everyday since they exchanged numbers. Inarizaki was doing a couple chill practice drills. Once they were allowed to take a break and get some water, they just sat around and talked, since neither of their coaches were in the gym, they started to slack off. No one was there to reprimand them anyway. In the middle of their talking, they heard the gym doors open. The entire team stood up and ran around, trying to make it look like they were practicing the whole time. It didn't really work out since they only had 1 second to do that successfully. They all stopped mid-step as their second coach, Oomi cleared his throat.
"You guys need to stop slacking off." He said with a sigh. "You guys are allowed to go home early and get some rest. We were invited to a training camp and I want you guys to be in tip top shape."

"Who's gonna be there?" Atsumu asked, making quick eye contact with Akagi, hoping Itachiyama would be invited.

"Don't worry Atsumu, Sakusa is going to be there." Oomi sighed, "Itachiyama, Shiratorizawa, and Kamomedai will be there. Now go on and get home."

"Yes sir!"

All of the boys made their way to the club room to change into their regular outfits. While they were walking, Atsumu turned to Akagi with a small smirk on his face. The shorter boy looked at him for a second, pretty confused. The other's smile dropped into an unamused face as he saw his confusion.

"Are ya kidding me?"

"What is it?"

"Itachiyama is going to be at a weeklong trainin' camp that we will ALSO be at."


"KOMORI. Will be at a WEEKLONG trainin' camp that WE will also be at."

".....oh. OH." Akagi's eyes widened. "I- no, YOU told him we'd hang out next time he's around."

"Now you've got it!"

They finished changing and then grabbed their bags, walking out of the club room.

"Atsumu you're such an idiot..." He quickly said before they turned their separate ways.

"A helpful idiot!" Atsumu yelled back before turning to eavesdrop on whatever Suna and Osamu were currently talking about. He didn't get much from the two, just a quick glare from Suna and Osamu telling him to mind his business.

Akagi made his way home with his mind racing. He would get to hang out with Komori for a full week. Sure they were friends now, but a crush doesn't just disappear like that. He was walking up his street when he felt his phone buzz. He took it out of his pocket to see a text from Komori sitting on his lock screen.

'Kagi! Did you hear the news?'

Knowing that Komori calls him by that nickname made his heart explode.

'No? What are you talking about?'

'The training camp!'
'We get to see eachother again :)'

'Oh yeah!'
'I almost forgot about that tbh'

'How'd you forget?'

'Leave me alone 😭'

'Are we still up to hang out?'
'Or did you forget about that too?'

'I feel attacked
'Of course we're still hanging out'

'I just hope we get enough time'

'There HAS to be one day for us
to relax'

'I pray there is'

'C'mon Mori, they wouldn't overwork
us like that'

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