Part 3

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I woke up in the infirmary with a bandaged hand and a pounding headache. I tried to sit up and a woman pushed me back onto the bed.

"Don't worry dear you were attacked but you will be okay. Your sister Lila is here. She wanted to see you when you got up. The woman who I didn't know left and then a few moments later Lila entered.

"Jesus Christ Rose you scared the living daylights out of you. I am going to kill Five for hurting you and Mum." Lila said entering the room.

"Wait Mam is hurt?" I asked sitting up before getting a bleeding flash of pain and I started to see spots so I laid back down.

"Yeah, she will be okay with some scars. But Five set off a grenade and blew up the case room and the tubes plus he killed a few people along the way. I guess you could consider yourself lucky." Lila said.

"Never knew what I believe is a concussion and a broken hand to be lucky but to each their own." I replied.

"How did you break your hand?" Lila asked.

"I ran into Five soaked him right in the jaw pretty well before he broke a chair and hit me over the head with the leg of a chair." I spat.

"Can we see Mam?" I asked.

"She woke up before you so sure." Lila said. The woman wouldn't let me walk over so I went to see Mam in a wheelchair.

"Mam. How are you feeling?" I asked, Red rolled me up to her side. She had bandages around the right side of her face.

"I am feeling well Y/n. How are you feeling you've been out for about a day and a half now." Mam said. A day in a half. That bastard.

"Okay, I am pretty sure I have a naasty concussion." I said.

"Well good news is that you know You are staying here until your concussion is all healed up. No ifs ands or buts about it. I am your mother after all." Mam then said.

"Fine." I huffed. I stayed in the infirmary for 6 weeks after that because Mam also wanted my arm to heal up too. She kept on saying 'I'm no use with a bad hand' so I stayed till I had my fingers healed and I took them out of of splint, till the throbbing spot on my head finally stopped, this the place where Five it me on the head was nothing more than some light scars. Mam came out of the infirmary before I did and she was back to running the place again. Only a few minutes after taking off my splints that kept my hands working I was back into a black three piece suit and was heading to Mam's office.

"Hello Y/n since you're back to work again we have a job already." Mam said before I even closed the door.

"When are we going to?" I asked.

"April 1st, 2019. We need to have a chat with Five." Mam then said.

"That bastard." I huffed.

"Don't worry we are a distraction to make sure his family will be killed off." Mam then said.

We both then headed down to the case room which was for the most part rebuilt. Then in a blue flash we were in a hotel room. I already stopped time at the same second. We were greeted with Hazel and Cha Cha and a lady about to fall into a hot tub I guess. These are some of the weirdest things I've ever seen since I had to stop time in 2019. I mean this is only my second time here but still.

"What are you two doing?" I asked.

"Shush Kronos the adults are talking." Mam then said. I huffed in reposed and stopped paying attention. All I did was keep my fists clenched and as I did I could feel my hands feeling a bit more normal and the scars on my temples disappear slowly. I don't know how long we stood there but the wounds that took weeks to heal were gone. I then realized I was a year younger than when we entered and I was around 14. Well that's bloody perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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