A Problem House

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*Fire Site*

Ana had her arms wrapped tightly around Kelly after the man had nearly lost his life in a flame consumed basement.

While the Squad Lieutenant was assuring the brunette that he was fine, he spotted something on the side of the building. Matt took notice of this and tried to follow Kelly's gaze.

"What is it?" He wondered.

"1751." Kelly replied and Ana finally let go of him, having recognized the four familiar digits. "That's my badge number."

She followed the gazes of both Lieutenants and sure enough, 1751 was carved into the side of the building.

*Firehouse 51: Common Room*

Chief walked in and looked around at the occupants of the room.

"Okay, everybody, listen up." He commanded, effectively gaining everyone's attention. "The state of Illinois, in all its wisdom, has brought in a consultant to make recommendations on firehouse closures." Chief informed.

"What?" Herrmann asked in disbelief.

"51 is on that list." The older man continued as if no one had spoken. "To be certain that it doesn't happen here, we are gonna tighten up, not give 'em a reason to even look in our direction. Does everybody understand?" Chief questioned.

"Meaning what, Chief?" Joe wondered.

"Meaning that the trucks and the gas will be monitored. So no more side trips to go and get ice cream." He replied. "You will also be required to join a wellness program, or you will pay higher premiums." Chief explained.

"This is insanity, Chief." Herrmann remarked.

"Yeah, according to these wellness doctors, I'm technically obese." Mouch added, eating some food his girlfriend, Mari, made, not helping his case at all.

"The Union's not gonna stand for this." Matt pointed out.

"Actually, I heard douchebag Greg Sullivan is running for Union president." Herrmann corrected.

"Who?" Joe inquired.

"Ugh, I know him from bowling league. And let me tell you, he's no fireman's fireman. He's a climber." The older man spat, rounding the counter and standing in front of it.

"Regardless, we lock it down starting now." Chief ordered.

"You got it, Chief." Matt nodded.

"You're gonna have some new faces soon, from the house that's already been closed. Everybody keep an eye out." Chief finished, turning and walking towards his Office.

Ana immediately followed after him. Chief knew exactly what the brunette wanted, he just chose to bide his time and wait till the last second before giving it to her.

He entered his Office and sat at his desk. Chief looked up to see Ana leaning in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"Gail McLeod." He sighed.

"Thank you. Wasn't so hard now was it?" She smirked, turning and walking out of the room.

"Shut up." Chief called after her, voice full of laughter.

*Later That Night: Molly's*

A new bar, Game Day, had opened up down the street and was sucking up it's rival's clientele. So Ana was sitting at the bar in a nearly barren Molly's, downing Tequila shots supplied to her by Gabby, when Jay Halstead walked up and stood next to her.

However, she's the only one who knows who he actually is and it was like that for a reason. Ana slid over a bit, pretending to be uncomfortable by their sudden closeness.

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