Chapter 35

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AN: Hey guys. Firstly, I'm sorry. I needed to take a little bit of a break from writing. I'm super busy with my college applications, and I really want to get into my top school. However, I want to try and update more from now on. I want to finish this story, and I will try my best. Thirdly, thanks so much for the support on this story, I'm so happy some people enjoy it, and I hope to satisfy those people. If you don't enjoy it, I'm sorry, I tried my best, there are other stories that I'm sure are good and more entertaining for you. However, I would love some feedback, so please let me know your thoughts, positive or negative. Lastly, please enjoy!


"Max," the group heard, and they turned to see the daughter Athena was talking about. "Oh hey mom," she said.

"I will leave you for now," Athena said, turning to Annabeth and flashing away.

"What was that all about?" Annabeth asked.

"Oh, nothing," Perseus said with a smirk. "She was just telling Max to make she he gets you a beautiful ring for when he proposes."

Max swung at Perseus, who was still wearing his smirk and ducked. Perseus looked at the two demigods, who were beet red, and started to chuckle.

Perseus walked away as the two started chatting, knowing he was no longer needed, and he vapor travelled back to Camp.


Perseus reappeared on the beach at Camp Half-Blood and took out a drachma. "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering, show me Sally Jackson," Perseus stated, causing the mist he created to shimmer into an image of Sally and Paul laughing on their couch. Perseus waited patiently while he saw that Sally noticed him. Her eyes widened and distracted Paul for a few seconds and focused on him.

"Perseus, what happened?" Sally asked frantically.

"Everything's fine Sally," Perseus said calmly. "I followed Max on the quest. Have you heard from him yet?" Sally shook her head worriedly. "Okay, I'll leave him to tell you about it. The short story is we rescued Annabeth, but Max had to hold up the sky," he said, causing Sally's eyes to widen.

"I'm sure he'll tell you more about it," Perseus said with a smile. "If he doesn't call you, just let me know and I'll give him a push."

Sally smiled and waved through the mist as Paul walked back into the room.

Perseus smiled and walked towards the big house where Chiron was waiting.

"Hello Perseus, I've got some news," he said grimly.

Perseus raised an eyebrow at the ancient centaur. "The Labyrinth," Chiron said simply.

Perseus' eyes widened. "Under the camp?" he asked worriedly. Chiron nodded grimly.

"Skatá!" Perseus swore. "The Titan army can use it to get into camp, especially with Luke's knowledge and his parentage."

Chiron nodded again. "Yeah," he said wearily. "We'll need to have a meeting when the campers come back. I also need to prepare Zoë's cabin," he said, turning away from Perseus and taking a seat at the ping pong table.

Perseus stood by the Golden Fleece and summoned a bit of water from the air around him and sat cross-legged on the floor. He set that ball in front of him and focused on hardening it, and melting it, going from solid to liquid over and over again, each time more slowly by changing each atom individually. He thought about his decision to gift up his partial immortality. He knew he had lived a long enough life, and he knew it was time to see his brother again, permanently. After a few minutes, he released the ball and closed his eyes, putting his hands on his knees, breathing in and out. He took off his shirt and let his chest feel the air and wind around him.

Percy Jackson: Ancient Greek DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now