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I wake up and realize I'm in the hospital, great thats exactly what I needed right now. I look down at my arms and realize I'm wearing short sleeves.

"Fuck, no, no, no!" I say out loud. Bill walks in and gives me a hug after realizing I'm awake. He lays down next to me, tears streaming down his face.

"W-w-why didnt you talk to me? I-i'm always here for you." I cuddle next to him and start sobbing as well.

"I'm so s-sorry. I didnt m-mean to" I stutter out, a lump in my throat preventing me from speaking clearly.

"No, don't apoligize. You're perfect just the way you are, I love you. You're my best friend." I smile when he says this.

"Oh yeah, Richie Tozier was crying because of you."

"Holy shit no way!" The though of that happening, it seems impossible.

"Yes way!" Richie walks into the room, tears in his eyes. He realizes I'm awake and hides that he was crying. "Oh shit, he really was" I whisper to Bill, but not quiet enough. "I was not c-crying!" Richie says, trying to defend his ground. Me and Bill begin giggling.

"Whatever" he says and walks out going to alert the rest of the family.

"Eddie you have cuts all over your ams and legs, you have an Eating Disorder, and depression. You passed out last night from lack of food and blood in your system. You're mother an-" "she's not my mother" I interupt.

"Your father will be watching over you carefully making sure you eat and don't harm yourself again. If we hear of this happening again we are sending you to a mental hospital for heath reasons. We are letting you go today after healing your cuts" the doctor explains.

When I get home my dad makes me dinner and sends me off to bed to get some rest. I try to fall asleep but Richie keeps staring at me.

"What do you want?" I ask, he shuts his eyes and pretends he's sleeping.

"I'm not that dumb" he slowly opens his eyes. He just stares again, until I see a tear stroll down his cheek and he asks, "it's my fault isn't it? You know, your arms. It's my fault." I shake my head yes, feeling too guilty to respond using actual words.

"Eddie, I- i'm so sorry I did this to you." He sits up and does grabby hands "are you high, drunk maybe?" I ask, confused out of my mind.

"No, I'm sorry I actually care okay?", he says rolling his eyes. I climb into his lap and he cuddles me closely.

"If any of this gets out, I will slit your throat. I promise you that." I shake my head showing I understand.

We lay like this for a couple hours when suddenly Bill walks into my room. Richie pushes me off of him as fast as possible, but Bill still notices.

"Holy shit, no way! You two were cuddling" he says with a laugh.

"No we weren't" Richie states, getting defensive.

"Yes you were, I'm not blind" Bill says now laughing hysterically.

"I'm not gay!" Bill rolls his eyes and begins to laugh.

"Move over so I can lay in the middle." Me and Richie part and Bill jumps in between us.

"You two were totally cuddling." Richie rolls his eyes and faces the other side of the room.

"Okay, well I came to tell you that I'm sleeping over tomorrow and I left my shirt here" I show Bill where I placed his shirt, we said our goodbyes, and he went home.

"If that little shit tel-"

"He won't tell"

"Yea but if he do-"

Not Blood Brothers; Forever Together In Blood | Stranger Things and IT CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now