Chapter 3: Not Again. (Dylan POV)

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Chapter 3: Not Again. (Dylan POV)

i was sitting outside of Max and Iggy's room. Why did she shut me out? Why was she still hung up on Fang? It made me want to Punch something. I am her perfect match.

"I know. i know hes not coming back. I know that he died in that crash. i saw him. i saw his black hair Angel. I can't keep pretending to be happy. I mean Dylan Does make me happy Just not like Fang did. Fang was always there for me! He had had my back every step of the way! I mean for god sake's I loved him! six months isn't going to change that!" Max cried. No doubt that the flock was comforting her. Not even noticing my absence.

"wheres Dylan Iggy?" she asked sniffling.

"How many times do i have to tell you people?! For fucks sake's I'm blind! I don't know where i am or whats going on ninety-none percent of the time! I was in the car when we crashed. Why didn't they take me instead of Fang max? Why?" Iggy sobbed.


"Don't Iggy me max! It wasn't his time to die and you know it. He was taken away from us pre-maturely!" Iggy bawled. I rolled my eyes.

"Iggy, Ange said that his time was coming. That we all have expiration Dates. It just so happened that we were on the run when his came up." Fang isn't dead. i knew it. i just knew. some how i knew that he was still alive. oh well. I dropped off the roof letting my wigs shoot out, wincing in pain as the wind shot me up into the air. Might as well get my anger out somehow.

{A/N: merp :3 heres that other update. The next might be in Fangs again. or maybe Dylan again. Or Skye as a flash back from the day she disappeared... merp :3}

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