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Hello everyone! All I ask is you read the rules and follow them. If you don't, I'm not likely to roleplay with you.

Thank you!


1. This is a yaoi roleplay, meaning no female characters (unless they are side characters)

2. Try to keep things descriptive - meaning more than 1 or 2 lines.

This: Isaiah scrambled to get away, but to no avail. He felt a cold hand wrap around his ankle, and he already knew there would be no escape. He let out a broken sob as his stomach slid harshly against the cold floor. This was it. This was the end.

Not this: Isaiah tried to get away, but knew he couldn't. He let go and accepted his fate.

3. I personally prefer to keep things in the past tense third person, so please do so as well!

4. Keep cursing to a minimum. It's okay to curse, just maybe not in every sentence.

5. Smut is okay! I'd prefer to do it in PMs, but if you'd rather do it in the comments it is also okay.

6. You can tag me, but wait at least an hour first. Sometimes I have other things to do. You can tag me up to three times.

7. If you ask to roleplay, please respond within a day. Do not ask and then disappear for days at a time without telling me anything.

Please give a brief example of your writing style here; preferably using an example from an already existing/ongoing roleplay you have. Please be warned that I am picky and can/will decline your form if I do not like your style. Please do not get offended. This is mandatory.

The form will be in the next chapter. I hope you enjoy roleplaying with me.

Descriptive Yaoi RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now