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I was tagged by the lovely Maddiefox540

1. Do you like someone?

2. Do they like you back?
Y'know what, to make me feel loved we'll say my imaginary crush likes me back. Yay!

3. What's your middle name?
To personal, but I'll give you a hint! It's a flower.

4. Single or taken?
I am single :(

5. Female best friend
Moongirl956 for sure! She's amazing! I love you Moon <3

6. Guy best friend
My only guy best friend is lowkey weird and kinda clingy. And not in a good way.

7. Non-binary bff
Um... I'm not sure if I have any tbh. I know I have a friend who used to identify as such, but I'm not sure if they still do.

8. Last person I texted
Again Moongirl956 we're texting as I'm writing this! Hai again Moon <3

9. Favorite otp

10. Last song I listened too
Karma- AJR it's my altimeter favorite and I relate to it beyond a personal level

11. Battery percentage
Currently at this moment 96%

12. Lock screen

THE BLADE! It's so fricken cool! I have no idea who the artist is, but this is not my art

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THE BLADE! It's so fricken cool! I have no idea who the artist is, but this is not my art.

12. Reason for Wattpad
I originally had it to read, but then I was able to post my short story, Shooting Star! (Warning: shameless self promo from midnight me) I think it's pretty good! Maybe you could give it a read too?

13. When's your birthday?
On my day of birth.

14. Tag 20 people
I don't even follow 20 people! Ummm... I'll tag all my friends!



opldragon34 (yes, imma drag you into this)


I don't even have five friends...

Anyways! Have a good day/night and know you are loved <3

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