Death Scene Idea

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Works best in some sort of hero/villian scene. Do what you want tho!

Character 1: *holding back character 2 from a fight* Don't, I know you won't win

Character 2: *struggling agains ch1* Just let me at 'em! This is their fault, imma make them pay!

Ch1: Fine! *let's them go, pushing them away, towards thingy their trying to engage* I don't care!

*Epic fight scene between enemy and ch2, ch1 fighting off side enemies*

*ch2 is mortally wounded, but main enemy scampers off*

Ch2:*collapses onto the ground, but struggles to get back up* I'm fine! It's fine! I- *falls again*

Ch1:**runs over an drops down next to them* Ch2 I told you. I told you...

Ch2:*breathing hard, just trying to stay calm* Nonono, do not do this right now. You are not allowed to start caring.

Ch1:*tearing up* No, please no, ch2...I told you.

Ch2: Stop it *shaking their head to tell them no* stop it. You said you didn't care, I forbid you to care. Stop it.

Ch1: No no no, I-

Ch2: Stop it. Don't cry, you don't care. Remember?

Ch1: *nodding, tears running down their face* I do though. I do.

Ch2:*trying not to cry* well stop it then.

Ch1:*pulls ch2 into their lap* I care, ch2, I care.

Ch2:*trying to keep their eyes open* No, no you don't. Please, don't care. For my sake and for yours, let me go.

Ch1: I did, and then this happened.

Ch2:*smiles and chuckles slightly* I didn't mean litteraly.

Ch1: But it's the truth. I shouldn't have let you go, I shouldn't have let you fight enemy.

Ch2: But it happened. Ch1...please.

Ch1:*crying as they hold ch2 hand, watching the light in their eyes die*

I was watching Infinity War when I had this idea. It looks a lot cooler in my head then it does here... But yeah, random idea I had. Feel free to steal this, I don't really care if you credit me for my idea or not. If you do use it tell me because I wanna read what your writing, hopefully you make it cooler then it is here lul.

Anyways have a lovely day/night and know you are loved <3

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