Stella's Questions

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Stella: Hey Elline..
Elline: O-Oh, um...yes Stella?
Stella: If a Tomato is a fruit, does that mean Ketchup is some sort of Jam?
Elline: We-......
Stella: I know....


Stella: Hey Nahlia
Nahlia: ... *sighs* What?
Stella: Ghosts are dead, right?
Nahlia: ...yes?
Stella: And when they fly by you, you feel a cold breeze, right?
Nahlia: ...yes? Where are you going with this?
Stella: Does that mean ghosts are air with life?
Nahlia: ...
Stella: And if ghosts ARE air with life, does that technically mean that ghosts aren't dead?
Nahlia: ...please leave before I get a headache
Stella: Ok...


Stella: Tahria..
Tahria: Oh, hello Stella. Is there something you need?
Stella: Yes. But it's more of a question..
Tahria: Alright! What's the question?
Stella: If a meteor that hits a planet is a meteorite, are the ones that miss a meteor wrong?
Tahria: ..huh....I never really thought of it like that. If it missed, then it would probably keep floating through space until it hits something.
Stella: ..yeah, that sounds about right...

*Another later...again*

Stella: Hey Briella...
Briella: Yes?
Stella: Do Moths ever go blind?
Briella: ...what?
Stella: Do Moths ever go blind?
Briella: Why would they go blind?
Stella: Because Moths like light...
Briella: Ok..
Stella: And light is bright...
Briella: Keep going..
Stella: Basically a mini sun
Briella: ...yes?
Stella: And if you look at the sun for a while, you'll go blind, or something like that, right?
Briella: ...I think I see what you're saying...
Stella: So if Moths like light, they will chill by it. But in order to chill by the light, they need to see the light first. And when they see the light, they have to get closer to the light in order to chill by it. So if a Moth gets close to light, is it going to become blind from looking at the light for too long?
Briella: .....
Stella: .....
Briella: ....
Stella: ....
Briella: ...
Stella: ...
Briella: ..
Stella: ..
Briella: .
Stella: .
Briella: head hurts
Stella: Mine too...

I wanted to make my first randomness thingamajig, I wanted something other then the introduction of everyone, and I was bored. Anyways, y'all have a nice day/night!

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