Nahlia and Tetra arguing in different languages because why not?

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Nahlia: Just shut up already...

Tetra: No can do, you charcoal clump!

Nahlia: I know you did not just call me a charcoal clump-

Tetra: I know I DID just call you a charcoal clump!

Nahlia: ...

Tetra: Hahaha! I win!

Nahlia: Oh my-

Tetra: Woah! That's weird, I didn't know charcoal can speak!

Nahlia: ¿¡Oh, Dios mío, No puedes por 10 segundos, pequeña pelato playa verde!?

(Oh my, can you NOT for 10 seconds, you little green beach ball?!)

Tetra: Eh? Non so cosa hai detto, ma probabilmente é qualcosa do offensivo per me! Quindi riprenditi quella tua abominata macchia d'ichiostro!

(Huh? I don't know what you said, but it's probably something insulting to me! So take that back you abominated ink blob!)

Nahlia: ¡Probablemente eres la persona más molesta que he conocide en todo este planeta, podrida manzana verde!

(You are probably the most annoying person that I've met in this entire planet, you rotten green apple!)

Tetra: Scusa, non capisco stupido, ma posso dirti ora che TU sei stupido per avermi preso in giro!

(Sorry, I don't understand stupid, but I can tell you now that YOU'RE stupid for making fun of me!)

Nahlia: ¡Puede que conozca un poco de The Legion of Stationary, y por lo que puedo decir probablemente seas una abominación relacionada con ese tipo de las Tijeras!

(I may know a bit of The Legion of Stationary, and from what I can tell, you're probably an abomination related to that Scissors guy!)

Tetra: Sta'zitto! Non so cosa stai dicendo ma non mi interessa! Sei stupido e stupido e fastidioso e brutto e debole e  inutile e maleducato e tutto di te fa schifo! Scommetto che non menderai mai nessuno che so preoccuperà davvero di te e ti amerà o qualsiasi altra cosa! Probabilmente moriresti da solo! Come il brutto pezzo di spazzatura che sei, e sempre sarai, per il RESTO DRLLA TUA STUPIDA, INUTILR, PATETICS VITA!!!

(Shut up! I don't know what you're saying but I don't care! You are dumb and stupid and annoying and ugly and weak and useless and rube and everything about you sucks! I bet that you'll never find anybody that'll actually care for you and love you or anything! You'd probably just die alone! Like the ugly piece of trash you are, and always will be, for the REST OF YOUR STUPID, WORTHLESS, PATHETIC LIFE!!!)

Nahlia: ¡Apuesto a que no te dieron in nombre para que la gente pueda ponerte apodos y burlarse de ti! ¡Pero supongo que no te sister cuenta porque eres muy tonto al ver ese árbol de Navidad de aspecto triste!

(I bet you weren't given a name is so people can call you names and make fun of you! But I guess you didn't realize it because you're way to dumb to see that you sad looking Christmas Tree!)

Tetra: Uffa! Come puoi essere scortese! Non capisco né parlo nemmeno la tua lingua! Puoi parlare, tipo, non so forse una persona normale!?

(Ugh! How rude can you get! I don't understand or speak your language! Can you talk, like, I dunno maybe a normal person?!)

Nahlia: ¿¡Qué estás diciendo que quieres see Green Goblin!?

(What are you even saying you Green Goblin wanna be!?)

Tetra: Cosa stai dicendo che vuoi essere il pennarello nero!?

(What are you even saying you black marker wanna be!?)

Nahlia and Tetra: *arguing about something in Spanish and Italian*

Daisy: *sighs* Some people just never grow up, don't they...
Yay, chapter completed! I made yet again another chapter of Nahlia and Tetra arguing, but made it a bit more interesting. When I was also translating this, I put the English translation right underneath what they said in their other language, so you don't have to go all the way to Google Translate and translate what they said, not knowing if the result of what they said is accurate.

Also, Nahlia is spanish (including her twin sister), and Tetra is Italian.

Now with that out of the way, I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day/night!! Bye-Bye, see you in the next chapter!! (≧▽≦)

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