Everyone's Age

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Briella: You know, out of curiosity, how old is everyone? Who's the oldest, and who's the youngest?
Elline: Hmm, w-well how old are y-you Bri?
Briella: Like....Sixteen...
Elline: S-S-Si-Sixteen? I'm...Se-Seventeen!
Stella: Dang! I thought you were either younger or older then that..
Tahria: Well, how old are you?
Stella: I'm like Eleven.
Nahlia: Me and Tahria are both Twenty-three
Briella: Huh?
Stella: Twenty-three?!
Elline: I-I th-th-thought you.......you both were Seventeen!
Tahria: Really?
Nahlia: Do we really look like we're Seventeen?
Daisy: Actually, yes. You guys look Seventeen-ish...
Tahria: How old are you Daisy?
Daisy? Me? Um, Fourteen.
Stella: Excu- wh- you're Fourteen?!
Daisy: Yeah?
Stella: *stands up and paces around the room* No....no, there's no way you're Fourteen! You look like you're frickin' Ten!
Daisy: Are you saying that because I look young, or are you saying that because you're a bit salty because you're the youngest one here?
Stella: I'm not sal.........ok I'm a bit salty.
Daisy: *she starts laughing a bit*
Stella: *she crosses her arms* >:I
Daisy: Wait, how old is Gwen?
Gwen: M-Me?
Stella: Yeah.
Gwen: Fifteen.
Nahlia: Huh, yeah you look Fifteen.
Stella: HAH! Gwen's older then you Daisy!!
Daisy: Yeah but that still doesn't change the fact that you're the youngest.
Stella: DANG IT!!
Elline: W-W-Wait, then who's the o-o-oldest?
Daisy: It's either Nahlia or Tahria..
Nahlia: Well, me and Tahria are twins that are an hour apart. I was born first, then after an hour, Tahria was born. So technically, I'm the oldest.
Briella: Well, now we know the youngest and the oldest!
Stella: Hmph! *She crosses her arms*
Daisy: Don't worry Stella. You may be the youngest, but in the near future, who know? There might be someone that joins the team that's younger then you!
Stella: Really?
Daisy: Yeah! :)
Stella: Thanks Daisy.
Daisy: *she smiles* You're welcome
Briella: How much y'all wanna bet that we're gonna have children on our team?
Elline: I-I would be surprised if w-we do..
Tahria: I hope we get children on our team!
Gwen: Briella, are you giving spoilers to our readers, by implying that there might be a child Legend?
Briella: ...I don't know. Only the Author knows that....
Ok, chapter completed! It was just a random thing that came into mind about everyone talking about how old they are. But anyways, I don't have much else to say other then have a good day/night!

And about the team, I might make a child Legend, I might not. Who knows?

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