Chapter 11: Outcast

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I get to live in the kingdom!

I get to live in the kingdom!

I get to live in the kingdom!

My heart was filled with so much joy I didn't even think it was possible. I could walk amongst the other without having to hide, or steal. I could just be free. I skipped over to a guard and tapped his shoulder lightly. The king and queen told me to see a certain guard lingering around the outer rim of the market place. They had told me he would take me to my house. I was beyond excited, but I had to calm myself down. Otherwise something bad might happen. But it felt amazing to just feel. To have the rapid beating of my heart when I get scared, for my stomach to have butterflies when I feel excited.

We walked on for a while, the market place growing smaller and smaller, as well as my excitement. After walking on for a while, we approached a small, pungent shack. I cleared my throat loudly. "Um, this is my house?" The guard grumbled in response. "What? I couldn't quite hear you," I said, pressing a hand behind my ear. "What were you expecting? You have to work your way up princess. Your lucky you got this for free. My house got turned into a stable." He said, trailing off. "Your house got turned into a stable?" I said trying to suppress my laughter.

"Yep. A god dammed stable. They couldn't have just made it a market, but no, it had to be a fricking horse stable." The guard rambled on. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "What's your name buddy?" I asked. "Bartholomew," he deadpanned. "Well Barthy-boy, why don't we work out a little deal? How big was your house?" I questioned. "It was about as big as the King and Queens castle," he retorted sarcastically. I like this guy.

"How about this. You move me into a bigger house, and I can give you this one." I said nodding my head confidently. "HA! In your dreams little girl. I live at the castle, now that I'm a guard." My mouth twitched into a frown. "Got it." I said monotone. 

I stepped into my house and inhaled the worst smell possible. Okay, imagine if Godzilla and Bigfoot had a child, who was somehow part stinkbug, decided to have some triple bean casserole with extra cheese and extra beans. Now, you can only imagine what would happen if it were to use the restroom. That is what my house smells like. Yeah, horrible, I know. 

Barth stepped into the shack and gagged almost immediately. I snickered silently to myself. I can make this work. Hopefully I can make this work. Maybe I make this work? I took a deep breath in, then instantly regretted it, remembering the horrid smell of my new home. I shoved Barth outside, assuring him that I would be alright, then he just glanced at me and said, "Since when did I care if you were alright?" "Oh buddy, you know you can't lie to me. Now don't you worry your pretty little face," I said bopping his nose. He grunted in response while crossing his arms. Aww, he already is warming up to me. I smiled happily as I shut the door loudly, causing Barth to jump slightly. I laughed silently.

Now, to give this shack a major glow-up. I raised my hands and used a basic vacuum spell, which basically sucks everything you want to be sucked. I raised my hands and curled my fingers, almost as if I was grabbing the substance. Once I had all the dust, grime, odors, and any other unknown disease hiding in there, I turned around and flicked my fingers, signaling the "Smell ball," to release.

It exploded in mid air and slowly lowered to the ground. I smiled happily, satisfied with the results. I began to make my way to the market to look for some furniture, and along the way I had gotten some dirty glares. Things like this made me self-conscious. I lowered my head, and avoided eye contact with anyone.

Being a fairy in a land full of non-magical people, will do that to you. I could hear them murmuring around me.

"Isn't she the one who got banished?"

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