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- McKenzie -

I unlocked the door to my house.


"Kenz is that you?"

"Yeah, where are you?" I closed the door, dropped my bag on the stairs and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey, how was school?"

"Good, mum are you cooking?"

Let me tell you it's either she's trying a recipe from one of those cooking shows, that she saw looking delicious. Mum can't really cook, we order food most of the time. Dad hardly be's with us. My parents are really complicated, but He's coming home tonight and I won't be here. Yay!


"Ma I'm going over by Mrs. Jackson later." I grab a glass, open the fridge taking the OJ carton out pouring some into my glass.


I left with my glass and went up to my room.

I rested my glass down, got a bag and put my stuff in. Since sky has most of my stuff there, I don't have to pack much.

I got a text from Anna say bring a sexy dress and heels for kenell party tomorrow.

PARTY! awesome! Note the sarcasm.

I put those in the bag too, finish my OJ and decided to take a warm soak in the tub.


Mum dropped me off earlier and now we're eating pizza looking at television. Cameron left after I came.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Anna suggested since we were bored.

"But cam isn't here." Sky whined.

We laughed.

"Do you have a thing for cami?"

"No I don't!" She snapped at us.

"Okay you don't." We all said.

We didn't play truth or dare because sky won't.

We decided to want a horror movie. I LOVE horror movies!

"Let's watch Lady in Black!" Kira shouted from the kitchen who's getting the popcorn ready.

"Okay!" Anna got the movie ready.

"Hurry it's starting!" Sky shouted flopping next to me.


After the movie finished, we decided to go to sleep. Since Mr. And Mrs. Jackson haven't reach home yet.

"Good night everyone."


"Good night."



- Kenell -

I can't stop thinking about Kira. She's been on my mind since I got home. We had a pack meeting earlier, I couldn't concentrate on anything else besides her. Dad told me that I'll find my mate tomorrow at the party.

I got up, climbed through my window and shifted into my wolf.

I started running into the woods behind our house.

The cold wind blew through my fur. It felt very relaxing.

The moonlight hit the earth lighting the place. I reached the lake, laid by the spot where mum died. Yes She died..

I don't want to talk about it.

I sat up howled at the moon for a couple of times, got up and left going back home.


"Kenell wake up!" Zander shouted from downstairs.

I groaned. Why is he waking me up this early. I stretched for my phone on the table, took it up looking at the time.. 10:50!

What the fuck! I have never slept in late!

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

Short update and a Cliffhanger! *Snickers* today I spent my day in the office.. long story short.. me and the principal are really tight! Hahaha!


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