28. Family

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Song: When I Get Home By Ivy Levan

Kat's family are big on gatherings, like, really big, they go all out. Some of them have travelled really far to be here today, and I doubled checked to make sure that there wasn't any special occasion or anything, but Kat reassured me that there wasn't, and this was normal for them. My family was always small, but we also had our gatherings but not at this scale.

Sitting in the lounge, I sip on our Lynchburg lemonades and chat with Grace and Evan, Grace is Kat's oldest cousin, and Kevan, her husband who is running around chasing after their 4 kids. On the way here Kat did warn me about her, her exact words were 'I apologize before hand about Grace, she can be a bit loud, and not afraid to ask questions, a lot of questions'.  Which was a fair warning because the questions are coming my way, fast, and they are starting to get more intense.

"So, are you and Kat going to get your own house?"

"Well, Kat and I Haven't relay thought or talked about moving, we are quite happy where we are now" I say just as Kat comes and takes a seat on the arm rest of my chair "Aren't we Hun? "

"Very much so" she gives me a quick peck.

"You two remind me of me and Kevan before these guys" she gestures to the kids "Just wait when you marry, the romance dies along with your sex life, I mean me and ke...."

"Grace please! " Kat asks

"Well whatever. When are you two going to tie knot? "

Kat looks at me, again apologizing for her questions. I squeeze her hand telling her it alright.

"Well I don't know Grace, but I do know that I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else"

Staring into Kat's eyes, I kiss her, forgetting there is others in the room.

"ugh you two make the notebook look bleak! "

Laughing as Kat's mother announces that the food is ready and that we should head to the dinning room.

My eyes have a mind of their own, watching Kat walk away still takes my breath away. The way her dress shapes her perfectly, her long hair brushing her back, as her hips sway side to side. My temptations to grab her ass get the best of me, just as we get to the table, she jolts at my touch, shaking her head as I pull her chair back for her.

The room was buzzing, everyone was talking over each other, dishing up and pouring drinks.

"Sorry about my family, I know they are a lot" Kat says while reaching across me, grabbing the bottle of champagne.

"Stop apologizing, I love it, and I love you" quick kiss on the cheek. "Did I tell you how Hot you look tonight?"

"you say you like it, but something tells me you would rather be somewhere else"

"I would never!" I whisper

As she turns to talk to her Aunt, I inch my hand up her thigh, teasing her. Yeah I'm way to horny, I know.

Her jaw clinches as she holds my hand tightly so that I don't continue. She succeeds, for a little while.

"Kat, could you show me your old room?"


"What? I forgot what it looked like since the last time I was here"

"but the food..."

"The foods not going anywhere, come on"

"Yeah kat, go show her your room, I'm sure your uncle will leave some food for you two when you get back" Her aunt says laughing.

Grabbing her by the hand, we excuse ourselves from the table. 

Opening the door to her childhood room, I waste no time. Kissing her quickly and passionately all along her neck and chest.

"Fucking hell Dom" she whisper screams as I untie the knot of her dress.

"What? I can't want you, all of you, right now" 

"I told you, if we wait you could have me all night tonight AFTER we get home!"

Pushing her against to the door, I swiftly lift her dress over her hips.


Taking in her left breast, I gently bite and suck her nipple before working my way down to her sex. Keeping my hand on her breast, I start to lick her, moving quickly making her gasp for air.

This reminded me of the first time I tasted her. But this time I am going to make her cum, without Mel interrupting. That day was the best of my life and the scariest to.



Kat is still sleeping and after last night, I don't blame her. While she's snoring away, I decided to start on her favourite breakfast. Bacon with maple syrup and chocolate chip pancakes. After quickly feeding Bernie, I set up breakfast on a tray and woke up miss sleepy.

I did get the chance to get some answers out of Kat's parents last night, and now I know when to book our return flights from the trip, but I'm still going to keep it a surprise from Kat though.

"Morning beautiful" I say as I place the tray on the bedside table, leaning over Kat, giving her a kiss. 

She moans, digging her face further into her pillow. "Let me sleep!"

"I made your favourite"

"Bacon and Pancakes?"


She turns, her eyes are still swollen from her deep sleep.

"Don't you have some auditions today, babe?" She asks taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yes but I thought breakfast for you is the perfect way to start the day, and I have a few minutes before I have to leave" I clime in next to her.

"Thank you, babe. Sleep and a hot bath are the only things on my list of things to do today"

"Well, there is one thing"

"and that is? "

"After my audition if you want to we could go to the travel agent, with all your documents and things so I secure some of the bookings, for the trip"

"Does this mean I can find out when we are coming back?"

"No, and stop trying to get it out of me, somethings are just meant to left a surprise"

"okay fine, I'll meet you there"

"Great! I love you!" I give her kiss before gathering my things.

"Love you too! Good luck on your audition"

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