2. A new life

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When I woke up the sun was almost down again. I had slept for at least 11 hours which felt so incredibly nice since I haven't had that in my pack.

I always worked until late at night just to start the day a few hours later to make breakfast for all of them. There had been times where I got to lie down for half an hour before doing my chores all over again.
It was hard. So hard to keep my body standing with blue and purple marks scattered in my ribs and with the bloodloss from the beatings. I remember having to hold myself up on the kitchen counter every few minutes just to stop my weak legs from giving out. I have to get a grip. That's in the past.

I slowly start to look around as my stomach starts to rumble. God, I need to eat something, anyting. I start to stand on my paws, shaking the dried leaves out of my furr and search for another hiding place where I will be able to wait for a small animal like a rabbit or a sqirrel to come by.

After waiting for several minutes, staying as still as possible, I spot a rabbit making its way over the ground a few meters away from me, probably searching for the same thing I am looking for. It hurts to attack such a sweet creature but my will to survive and my hunger are too strong from constant starvation. I simply have to try.

I stalk forwards and halt for another moment before I take a big leap towards the unsuspecting creature. Unfortunately, I am not fast enough and the rabbit jumps away and takes off with me behind it. I run and try to reach it but it is turning corners like I never could and soon, it has saught shelter in a hole beneath a tree. Far too small for me to crawl into.

What was I thinking. I have never even had the chance to improve my hunting skills so why should I be able to do it now?

After three more failed attempts on other animals, I am out of breath and my body is so utterly exhausted that I feel like I could just lie down and cry forever. There's only one more thing I can think of and that's the city. There must be a dumpster behind a restaurant somewhere where I can find something... It is a big risk but one I must take, or I will starve to death right here.

It takes so much energy just to get myself in a standing position but I eventually make it back onto all four paws. I know that Jax is helping me with everything he's got.

I move back to my previous hiding place and take my bag out from under the leaves into my snout. I face the city and begin my way down a field. Luckily for me, it is now pretty dark so at least a few humans should be sleeping by now.

The way there doesn't last long and soon, I am faced with the street lights. They are so bright that it hurts my eyes. I always lived in darkness and from never being outside, I never got used to this kind of light. I squint my eyes and try to adjust as I walk behind a few bushes. I slowly step out when suddenly, out of nowhere an extremely loud car speeds just a few centimeters away from me and off it goes, just like it was never there. I am so shocked, I just stay there, wide eyed and shaking. I have to catch my breath.

It's okay.

You're okay.

You're fine, don't worry 

I breathe out as I continue to walk towards a building. My limbs are weak and I trot slower than ever before. The hunger is eating me alive. Funny, huh?

As I turn corners, I spot a restaurant. I'm glad that I can read the sign, I've been taught to read and write by an older Omega who was with me in the pack until she passed away four years ago. Her name was Julia. I will forever cherish that woman's memory.

I run across the road after making sure there are no cars coming. There's an alleyway next to it and I spot a dumpster. Bingo!

Now, I just have to get up there and find something edible. I jump on a trash can and then I am able to see the inside of the big one. It smells vile but desperate times call for desperate measures...

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