4. Kidnapped

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Francisco Lachowski as Luke

~3rd person's p.o.v.~

The door swung open with such force that it almost flew off its hinges, as Noah came walking through the front door of their mansion with a half unconcious Luke hanging over his shoulder. He was followed by equally as angry Wilder and James, who just managed to hide it better than Noah did.

He had always been the one with a short temper, beeing the youngest of the three alphas, he hadn't gained full control over his alpha yet. And at the moment he was seriously pissed off.

Without a word, he walked up the stairs as Wilder closed the door behind them, following them immediately. As soon as all of them got to their huge bedroom, Noah gently threw Luke on the bed, earning a pained groan.

"You wanna tell me what you were doing there, Luke?" Noah asked, his voice dangerously low.

He didn't receive an answer, as Luke suddenly got up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up most of what he had consumed that night. He dry heaved for a bit before tiredly slumping on the floor, holding on to the toilet seat, resting his head on it. He knew it had been a stupid idea to climb out the window to meet Jamie and not tell anyone. But the rebellious teen in him made a rash decision.

Soon he felt arms rubbing his back as he just sat there, too tired to defend himself right now. "We'll talk about this in the morning when you've had some rest" said James, getting a cloth to wipe Luke's mouth.

With that, they all got ready for bed, holding on tightly to Luke as they went to sleep.

~the next morning~

Luke's p.o.v.

The sunshine peaks through the windows, terrorising me in my peaceful sleep. I slowly open my heavy eyes just to close them again, holding my throbbing head. I feel like shit! This is the worst hangover I ever had.

As I look around I notice that I'm alone in the bed. I sit up and look at the watch at the bedside table along with a glass of water and one painkiller. It's almost noon, so the others must be up already, I thought as I took the painkiller and drank the water. Oh God, I don't even remember what happened last night. I just remember secretly meeting Jamie, my friend who got himself into a similar mess that I have, and running off to party. That's all...

After I've stared at the ceiling for a while, trying to remember the slightest bits of last night, I feel the painkillers working and feel relief in my head. I get ready to go downstairs. God, I'm so dead!

Slowly, I open the bedroom door and step out into the corridor. I don't think I'll ever get used to this huge house. My old home was so much smaller but you couldn't get so lost in it....

Let me tell you what mess I've gotten myself into: A few weeks ago, I had just been at a friends house and was heading home alone in the dark. I know, how stupid of me. I was trying to make it home as quickly as possible, without anyone noticing, when I was suddenly pulled into an alleyway with a dirty hand covering my mouth.

With a sickingly sweet voice, he said that it would be over quickly and I started to fight with everything I got. I would not let myself lose control. I couldn't die like this. I panicked to the point of hyperventilation as I continued to fight. Then, all of a sudden, he is yanked away from me and is thrown into the alley, like he weighs nothing. I then hear punches being sent towards my attacker as he groans in pain.

When I look back to see my savior, I see three. Three of the most attractive men I have ever seen in my life, towering over me with their giant beautiful bodies. I have to stop myself from staring as I shake out of it and lower my head. They could be just as dangerous as the last guy. Get a grip,Luke!

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