9. An early bird

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Wilder's p.o.v.

Our omega. Our beautiful omega. I can't believe I am blessed with such amazing mates.

After I picked him up in my arms, he lost his consciousness. All of us could tell that he was utterly exausted and scared to death when we found him.

I can't believe we let this happen. We are alphas, we're supposed to know when our mates are in distress and be there for them immediately. I know that James and Noah have similar thoughts about this.

As he was in my arms, I looked down at his beautiful but tear stained face, several wounds on his head, some of which were slowly fading. They must be quite old which means that his wolf is very weak, otherwise he's be healing faster.

He is also extremely light and looks about 16 years old but I'm not sure about it. I got the strong urge to just hug him and kiss his forehead until the wounds are all healed.

We walked out of the cathedral and made our way to the Jeep. This time, Noah and James went in the front seats while I got inside in the backseats with both our other mates, making sure that Aiden was secure before Noah started the car.

Our omega looked so peaceful yet so fragile in his sleeping state. I was determined to make him stronger but I think there is much about him we don't know yet...

We are currently in our bedroom, Aiden is still unconscious and lying on the bed. I'm sitting beside the bed, taking care of the surprisingly deep cuts on his forearm while Luke is sitting beside his head on the bed, carefully putting a desinfective on Aiden's headwound.

I can tell Luke is already attached to him and I smile a bit. Even though he is not a werewolf, he can still feel the pull towards his mate and I'm glad he feels different about us now too.

I get up and walk around the bed, going to the side Luke is sitting on and hugging him from behind. I can tell he's just as worried as us alphas are about our frail little mate.
"He'll be fine "I whisper in Luke's ear and he sighs and strokes my arm that's around his waist. I kiss his temple and motion him to come with me.

We leave the room quietly and make our way downstairs where we find Noah and James kissing in the kitchen. I smirk and clear my throat. "Weren't you two supposed to make dinner?", I say in amusement and Luke giggles a little.

They both let go of each other, just slightly embarrassed and turn towards us with half smiles. "How is he?" Noah asks.

"Still no change. The pack doctor said it could take a while until he wakes up. It's like his body just shut down completely after being so overwhelmed by everything", I say, turning serious again.

"But, he'll be fine. I can't believe he didn't even get the chance to learn our names", I say, trying to be a bit more uplifting.

"Come on, let's eat something, I'm soooo hungry.", says Luke and we all chuckle.

~1 hour later~

We have just finished a nice dinner where Luke and Noah surprisingly kept their bickering at bay. Now, with a full stomach we were ready to have an early night and hopefully greet our last mate in the morning.

We go upstairs and I slowly open our bedroom door, careful not to be too loud. When we look inside, we all see Aiden lying in almost the same position as we left him in.

He looks like an angel

James says through the mind link and I coulnd't agree more.

All of us do our nightly routine before we climb into bed with Aiden. I know it isn't the smartest idea to sleep in the same bed as him considering his minor injuries but I can't sleep another night without him. I need to be there when he needs me.

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