Chapter 5

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Tony's POV

Oh. my.God. He just called me dad! I can feel tears running down my face as I say,

"I love you too kiddo, so much." He looks up at me and says,

"I'm sorry I pushed you away, I'm sorry I didn't let you let me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you what Sir did to me. I'm so sorry dad." The team looks shocked as no one but Bucky heard him whisper to me. I wince when I hear Peter call that awful man sir. I pull him close.

"No Peter. It's ok. I swear. I didn't even know you were struggling like you were. I'm the one that's sorry," he looks at me and shakes his head looking at me.

"no Dad it's not your fault OK? can we talk about this tomorrow I'm kind of tired."

"Of course kiddo ,"I say "do you want me to carry you or can you walk ."Peter shakes his head no. This kid -no my kid has gone through so much in his life and he fools us all by making us think that he is a happy kid. I really wish I noticed sooner, but now that I have and I will do everything in my power to get him healthy and to trust everyone on this team. I carry him to his room and Steve follows me. He isn't asleep yet but drowsy. The team doesn't follow and goes back to bed, except for Bucky, who I'm pretty sure never sleeps. After I lay him down Steve goes to leave the room, but then I hear a quiet,broken voice beg,

"Pops? Please stay. Please. I can't- I need you to stay" And Steve lights up. He walks into the room smiling softly.

"Of course son. Me and your Dad will always be here, okay? If you ever need us, I don't care if your across the country, but we are never gonna leave you. I promise." I don't think I've ever seen Steve so passionate about something. Pete nods and makes grabby hands at both of us, seemingly too tired to even comprehend what was happening. We both laugh slightly and get into bed next to him, hopefully making him feel protected. Steve falls asleep almost right after Peter, and seeing my husband and son cuddling, I close my eyes and fall asleep too.

Peter POV

I slowly wake up and blink my eyes a few times. It seems I'm in a dad sandwich. Dad on my left and pops on my right. I slip out of bed careful not to wake them but FRIDAY does anyway. They quickly shoot up from bed and walk over to me hugging me from both sides. I comply with the hug, mumbling 

"Dad sandwich" Dad and Pops laugh at my statement. Then they let go and Dad says to me,

"Are you gonna tell us the whole truth or some of it. It's ok if we only get some of it, but I think that getting it all out would be better."

"Ok," I say, thinking about Pietro, making me sad."let me talk to Sam first, he will know what would be better." They look at me in confusion.

"Why Sam, of all people?" I look at them in shock.

"Your telling me that you didn't know that Sam is a licensed therapist? Seriously? You guys have known him for how long?" I am getting slightly angry now.

"It's fine Peter," Sam says from the doorway. "I didn't really make it an important fact for the team to know." I huffed.

"Whatever. What do you think?" I asked looking at Sam. 

"I think it will be better for you to tell everyone everything, so that you won't have a breakdown and then tell us. But it will be hard to say everything. While I don't know what it is, I know that it will be hard for you." I sigh.

"Okay, thank you." I walk up to Sam and give him a quick hug, he returns it with a smile. 

"Alright. Get everyone gathered in the living room. This is gonna be a long story." 

Time skippy!

Everyone is waiting on the couches. I walk in and Bucky gets up and hugs me. 

"Alright, so I'm going to tell you guys everything. Starting with what Sir did to me, and ending with someone very close to me who is either is dead or still in HYDRA." They nod, confused on who this person is, and wincing on how I said Sirs name.

"So basically all my backstory that I told you was true. But,When I got to there I was like three years old, I completely resisted every type of torture or hurting somebody. The guards said that I was unbreakable. It wasn't until Sir did something that I -I just broke directly after that. He um," 

I stopped in my voice drops under whisper "he raped me and that's when I broke" Everyone immediately got up and hugged me. 

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that baby spider" Nat says hugging me. I hadn't noticed but Nick Fury has walked in.

"I am sorry for I interrupting this obvious story time. Also, Mr.Parker, or should I say Stark-Rogers, I apologize for trusting your biological parents, I should've known that they were turncoats." He said with a sad smile in his face. 

"It's quite alright Mr.Fury, I wouldn't have met my parents, best friend, or soulmate without all the HYDRA shit happening. Come and stay for the rest of my story." Nick smiled, nodding, and sat down.

"In case you are wondering my parents and if you're busy response from Hydro or spuds or shield more like it. Anyway after that I became their weapon their toy whatever you wanna call it but they chose slut and fuckboy more often than not ." Everyone flinched at the thought of Peter Stark Rogers being called a slut. That was just something not their vocabulary.

"Now under the story basically after that I Met James/Winter. Both were nice to me, though James was mostly in control. He gave me some of his food, he wrapped up all of my injuries, taught me how to reset bones,all of that type of stuff." I stop and look at James smiling. 

"I am so great full for you James. I would have died if I you weren't there to help me."I see tears in his eyes and he just hugs me tightly, and I hug back just as tight, tears in my eyes too. I release him and smile. 

"And then," I say with a dramatic pause, "I met Pietro. We were sent on missions together often so we got close fast. He was called silver by HYDRA, but he said that if he ever became a superhero he wanted to be called quicksilver as there's no super speedy avengers yet. We quickly fell in love and started dating when I was about 13." I hear gasps echo around the room.

"What happened to him?"Clint ask. Tears start selling up in my eyes.

"I escaped a year after we started dating. He was supposed to be following me but he stayed behind to protect me to lie to them. He really shouldn't of done that but he did it anyway so know I don't know if he's dead or not. I've been trying to hack through Hydro and find him, but I haven't yet so I guess I'm telling you now. Please help me find him. He's all I have left besides you guys." Tears are pouring down my face a Pops and Dad stand up and hug me in a dad sandwich. 

"Dad sandwich" I laugh, remembering this morning. Everyone else in the room laughs and joins in in the hug, 

"We are gonna find him Peter. I promise," Nat says. "Spider honor" She links her pinky with mine like a pinky promise. I think I'm gonna be okay. Cause once I get Pietro back, I'm gonna have everything I've ever wanted. Parents, a family, James, and Pietro. Yeah. I think I'm gonna be just fine.

Oh my god this took so long. Sorry that I'm really rushing this. This fanfic idea was like a bedtime story idea to get me to fall asleep, so there's very little detail. This book will prob be over in like 10-15 chapters. I think after this I'll write a wrong number fic(you haven't gotten very far into the iron dad fandom if you don't know what a wrong number fic is), or a Harry Potter creature inheritance one, or maybe a one shot book. I really don't know. 



Pumpkin spice bae ❤️

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