Chapter 6

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This chapter gets a bit steamy but no sex just making out. THE GAY TRAIN IS HERE(just not who you think it is.) ;)

Peter's POV

Over the week's following my story time revealing all my secrets type thing everything changed. Natash- sorry Auntie Tasha(she refuses to listen to me if I call her Natasha.) asks me to spar with her everyday and it's amazing. I talk with Sam as a type of therapy every day and I'm getting much better with my panic attacks and calming them down before they start, though they still happen. Dad and I work in the lab like we always have, though we are a lot closer and are able to "talk" to each other without speaking. James and I are the same, though now we usually converse in Russian. We didn't before because of suspicion.  Nick (nick fury incase you forgot) and I mostly talk, but we aren't as close. Pops and I cook dinner almost every night and I love it. He's part Italian like Dad and I love the food he cooks. Clint and I prank together and that's what bonds us, other than video games. We've pranked everyone other than Auntie Tasha, because she'd kill us if we pranked her. Bruce and I bond over chemistry, which is what I usually do when Dad is working on his car since I don't really have an interest in cars. He talks about Thor a lot, so I'm assuming that they are dating or like eachother and haven't told yet.

Dad has said that he's been hacking every data base that he knows of to try and find my Pietro. I'm scared that if we find him, then he won't love me anymore. What if he's found someone else? What if-

"Hey peter are you ok? Your breathing just picked up." Oh. It was Sam. I mentally calm myself down. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam looks at me with an eyebrow quirked.

"Are you sure? You have been inner monologuing for the past 15 minutes. You wanna talk about it?" This is why Sam is great. He doesn't push, but prods. I nod my head and he sits down opposite me. I only then realize my surroundings. We are in the Hulk room, which is now usually where people go if they feel a panic attack coming or they need to calm down. It has plushies and cushions everywhere in the floor. I let out a sigh.

"I don't know what's worse. I find him and he's dead or not even the person I loved, or I find him and he doesn't love me anymore. What if he found someone else Sam?" Sam smiles and shook his head. 

"Would you rather live a life not knowing. What if he's waiting for you to find him, only to find out that your too afraid that he doesn't love you so you stopped looking for him." Well shit. How did I not realize it.

"And Peter, even if he doesn't love you anymore. We will all be here for you." I smile and nod, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you Uncle Sam, I love you" I can feel him hug me tighter after I said that. 

"I love you too kid." I smile and sit back down. There has been something I've been wanting to address.

"Now. I see you have taken liking to James. I give you permission to date him because one, I know that you love him, and two, I know he likes you back. But if you hurt him I will shove your intestines up you ass." He looks horrified and relieved at the same time. 

"Thank you Peter. I'm gonna go tell him now."

"Do me a favor and shove him up against the wall and kiss him, say I love you and see was he does, because he's told me that that's what he wants you to do to him." Sam smirks.

"Thank you for the info, I'll do that now." I nod as he walks out.

Bucky's POV

I'm standing in my room and Sam comes in. Oh. My. God. Sam. I love him so much. God I just want him to shove me up a wall and kiss me. But that will never happen so why bother. 

"Hey buck. Can you come here for a sec?"

"Sure?" What could he want from me? He suddenly takes my arms, pushes them above my head, and shoves me into a wall. We lock eyes for a second.

"I talked to Peter, and told him about how much I loved you and wished I felt the same, and then he told me that it was your fantasy for me to shove you up  a wall and kiss you senseless. Is this true?" Sam likes me? Like actually likes me. Oh hell yes.

"Yes Sam. God just fucking kiss me already." He pushes on my arms a bit tighter.

"Will do." He says in the most sexy, rough voice I've ever heard in my life. He pushes his lips against mine and I instantly melt into it, despite my arms unloved my head I kiss him harder. He drops his arms to my ass and squeezes, making me moan into his lips. He moves his hands down to my thighs, tapping lightly. I take the hint and jump up, legs wrapping around his waist.we continue to kiss breaking only to take shirts off. He breaks the kiss saying,

"I love you Jamie" I smile at the nickname.

"I love you too Sammy." He smirks an pushes my back against the wall again but instead of kissing me he kisses and sucks my neck, leaving dark purple hickeys. He makes about three before I take my hand to his jawline and pull it up to kiss me. We kiss passionately, my hands moving to his belt before..

"Hey buck what do you want for-holy mothering fucker of god!" His eyes are wide in shock and Sam almost drops me before grabbing me before I hit the floor, then setting me down gently, and ran to grab our shirts. 

Third person POV

Everyone hearing Steve curse ran to the scene, only to see Sam and Bucky on the bed both covered in hickeys.

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