This house this city

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Here I lay in my little twin bed for the last time in this room. In this house. In this city.
All I want to do is scream and cry and scream and cry some more because I can't bare to think that in the next 24 hours I'll be in a new city, in a new house, in a new room, laying in a new bed. The idea sickens me.
"Chloe!" My mother who I'm not too fond of at the moment shouts from downstairs.
"Chloe it's time to come and eat!"
At this point I'm not even hungry. In fact I want to puke... But my parents are the kind of parents who say "we eat at a dinner table as a family" so I get up, I wipe up my smudged makeup and I walk down the stairs when I really just want to stomp down the stairs.
This is the last time I will eat dinner on this table, at this house, in this city.
Why am I being so mmm sentimental? Well I grew up here in Chicago. It's my home it's where I oddly feel safe. Not only am I leaving this smelly, violent but wonderful place, I'm also leaving my family. My best friend is actually my cousin. We've lived 2 minutes away from each other ever since we were 3. We're 6 weeks apart (she's older) but we're as close as can be. I snapped out of my daze when my dad said
"So are you excited to start at your new school?"
I don't answer. Instead I drop my fork and I stare at my feet. I knew that he was expecting a response and he knew he was getting one. I see my mom reach for his hand and say
"She's upset right now, she doesn't want to talk. Let's just eat."
I usually am not against the idea of eating but tonight I was. In fact my mom was wrong. I actually wanted to talk to my parents. Sorry I wanted to SCREAM at my parents. I built up the nerve to ask
"May I be excused?"
Both of my parents look at each other and nod in agreement
"Yes you may" my mother says.
I get up, I push my chair in, I bring my plate to the sink, and I walk upstairs. I check my phone and see theres 2 messages. My cousin texted me. "Bella Boo" it reads with a kissy face emoji. Ha she hates that nickname but it's her contact name anyway. I swipe right and open the messages.
"Bella Boo: Wanna hang? Have a sleepover?" I see what time she sent it, it said "6:38" it was 7 now whoops. I read the second message sent at 6:40
"Bella Boo: not responding? Well I won't take no for an answer! I'll be over at 7"
Before I can even text back and say that I need to take a shower (I do, I smell like death) I hear a "Ding-Dong". I drag my feet downstairs and open the door. There she was right on time with 5 of our favorite movies, John Tucker Must Die, She's The Man, Confessions Of a Teenage Drama Queen, Bridesmaids, and White Chicks. In her left hand she had popcorn and chocolate and my favorite, zours. I laugh and smile and try to hold back the tears because this will be the last time we have a sleepover together in this house, in this city.

|| I'm updating again tonight! I really just was excited to get it started! This book will be around 25 chapters and I want it finished by the end of February. Sorry this chapter is short and sorry for any grammatical errors and spelling errors! I'm in school of course and basketball (practices are everyday and game days go until 6:30) so mon-fri I will probably only update once but over the weekend I will update twice! - Chloe :)

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