Chapter 15

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Chloe's POV
Back to school. Kill me. I woke up at 6:20 because this will be the 1st time Grayson and I are kind of a real thing so I wanted to be presentable and actually try. It's also the 1st day back after what happened and I bet everyone knew. I looked over to my right where Grayson slept the night before but I turned to find only a note that said
"Had a great time last night ;) see you at school"
I took a 2 minute shower just washing my body, not my hair instead throwing it up in a messy bun. I put makeup on and I also may have covered up some hickies with foundation. I threw on medium wash jeggings, and my save ferris shirt with some very old gray vans. When I got downstairs it was already time to go face 7 hours of pure hell.

I got to school and dragged my feet to my locker. Grayson came up behind me and put his arms around my waist.
"Grayson!" I said laughing.
I snapped back into reality realizing that we were at school and no one really knew about us. I twisted myself out of his grip.

"What's the matter?" Grayson asked.

"Well we're at school and no one really knows about us." I replied.

"Fine." He said in a pissy tone. I could tell I had hurt his feelings. I proposed a new idea.

"Walk me to class?" I questioned.

"Sure." Grayson said

I took his hand. Everyone was looking but I didn't care and it was clear to me Grayson didn't either. I turned to look at him and he was just smiling that dorky smile that made me fall in love with him in the first place.

Grayson's POV

The day has flown by so fast but at the same time not fast enough. It's lunch now and as I go to sit down by Chloe I was confronted by Jake Stevens.
I hated this guy. Biggest dick head I've ever met. I sat down next to Chloe and turned to face the table so I wouldn't whip my arm around and punch him right in the jaw.
Jake bent down and stuck his fat head in between Chloe and I.
"Damn I wish Jessica would've asked me to be one of her masked man, I would've so banged Chloe and for no charge." Jake said.
I couldn't contain my anger. I swung around and punched Jake right in the jaw, just what I was trying to stop myself from doing.
Jake lunged forward pinning me to the ground. I freed one hand and punched him right in the nose. He didn't stop though, he kneed me in the stomach causing me to bend over and grab hug my stomach. I stood up and planted a black eye on his left eye. I was gonna get the other side but I was interrupted by the sound of Chloe's shouts. Before Jake could take advantage of my distraction, I grabbed his shoulders pushing him back as he did the same. Chloe and Ethan were tugging me away while Ryan and Cody were tugging Jake away.
I needed to he alone. I shoved past Chloe not even making eye contact and walked out of the cafe only to walk into the principals office.

Chloe's POV
I'm having mixed emotions. Apart of me is so pissed off at Grayson for doing what he did earlier but at the same time I love him for doing what he did. That Jake guy is a fucking dickhead, but his stupid little comments don't affect me. When I saw Grayson lunge at Jake I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to do either. I haven't talked to him at all, he didn't text me, call, come over, nothing. My parents called me down to talk to me.

"Chloe your father and I don't want you to see Grayson anymore." ️My mom said.
"What? Why!?" I replied
"He's just- he's gonna get you into trouble and that's not what we want for you." My father replied.
That was the most stupid reason I've ever heard.
"You don't know anything about him!" I screamed.
"Yes we do we got a call from your principal today, he informed us that Grayson beat up this kid named Jake vice versa and that the 2 are suspended for 4 days." My mom said.
"Why did you guys get a call?" I asked.
"Because you were a witness as well as the one to tug Grayson away, they just wanted to let us know." My father replied.
"You guys don't know the whole story."
"Want to tell us?" My mom asked.
"Well Jake came up to me and Grayson and said-"
I didn't want to tell my parents about me getting raped. I made up something very related to the topic.
"He said 'oh how I would love to get my hands all over Chloe's body'" that was stupid but there was no going back. "Jake shoved Grayson after that and Grayson just punched him." I said.
"Oh well, I guess if he was sticking up for my girl then..." My dad was saying.
"You can still see him."
"Thanks guys." I said.
"OH and some great news! Bella's dad got a promotion, they're moving out to NJ right next to us!" My mom said.
"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I ran up stairs, grabbed my phone, jumped on my bed with excitement and called Izzy (Bella).

- hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update, my cousin and i brainstormed the next 3 chapters😏 I promise I wrote every single day, I just wanted to make sure the chapter was good! AND IM GOING TO A WALK THE MOON CONCERT TODAY AHHHH ~ Chloe😊

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