Chapter 17

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Grayson's POV
Ethan and I walked over to Chloe's.
"Alright how do I look?" Ethan asked.
"Dude why does it matter?" I replied.
"Because? What if she's hot, I can't walk in looking like a hobo." He replied.
"Yeah you look fine." I said.
"Alright cool."
We got to Chloe's house. Ethan rang the doorbell with his shaky hand. He starts to shake a tad when he's nervous.
I heard someone run down to answer it. It was Chloe.
"Hey guys, come in." She said without really looking at me.
"BELLA!!" Chloe called down.
"WHAT!?" She replied.
"Ethan and Grayson are herrreee." She said in a flirty tone.
"Ugh can't you guys just come up here?" She asked.
"Fine" Chloe replied.
We all walked upstairs and into Chloe's room.
Wow okay Bella was really pretty. She had long curly hair, faint freckles, blue eyes and a great smile.
"Bella, Grayson" Chloe said pointing to Bella then I.
"Hi nice to meet you!" Bella said standing up to give me a hug.
"Anddd Ethan, meet Bella." She said.
"Hi" Bella said starstruck by whatever she saw in Ethan.
"Hi" Ethan said back starstruck as well.
The two immediately starting talking.
Chloe's POV
Ethan and Bella were so in love already. She's been so extremely flirty, I don't think I've ever seen her like this. It's like Ethan has some control over her, vise versa. They're good for each other. Bella doesn't know about the whole Vine famous thing, I'll have to ask Ethan if he wants me to spill the beans, or for him to spill the beans.
"You play any sports?" Ethan asked Bella.
"Yeah Lacrosse, Wrestling, and Football."
"Really? That's awesome, I'm in 3 sports too! Basketball, Soccer and the crazy thing is, I play Lacrosse too!" Bella replied. Hmm I didn't even know that. You learn something new everyday I guess?
"Hey can you guys maybe go in another room or downstairs just for like 5 minutes?" I asked the two.

No response. I'm not surprised, Bella never responds when too caught up into a conversation. She's always been like that. Her mom is like that too. As a matter of fact, her whole family is like that .
"We need to talk." Chloe said pulling me into another room and closing the door behind her. I sat on the bed while she paced by the door.
"Look I- I feel like we have gone completely separate ways." She spit out.
"What? What do you mean? Why are you mad?" I asked.
"I don't know! I should be hugging and kissing you considering you beat that kid up because of something he said about me."
"Okay and?"
"And when you just shoved passed me, didn't even look at me and shook my hand away, I don't know... Grayson I don't deserve you. That's it. That's why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling. You're too good to me. I'm such a shitty girlfriend."
She sat down on the bed with her hands on her face.
"No no no baby don't be like that. You're amazing, you've done so much for me that you may not even be aware of. When I'm around you I feel like the happiest boy on earth. You make me so happy Chloe, that right there is the best thing anyone can ever do for me."

"You mean it?" She asked.
"Of course."
"God I want to kiss you right now." Chloe said.
"Looks like the feelings mutual.
She grabbed my face and planted a long, passionate, and perfect kiss on my lips. We both laid down. I took her hand and she started to play with my hair with her free hand. Classic Chloe.
"Grayson Dolan?"
"Chloe Smith?"
"You wanna know something?" She asked
"Yes." I responded.
"You drive me crazy." Chloe said.
"Crazy in love?" I replied.
"That too" she said.
"Ugh tell me something I don't know." I said in a girly tone
"Hey!" Chloe said hitting my arm. We both stated to laugh. I kissed her one more time before we got up to see what Bella and Ethan were up too. We heard talking coming from Chloe's room.
"Has Bella had her first kiss?" I asked Chloe.
"Nope. Has Ethan?" She asked.
"Nope." I responded.
"Well, I have a feeling that's gonna change for both of them in a short amount of time." Chloe said.
"I have a feeling you might be right."

Title has been incorporated 😎 ahahahhahaa I'll update soon! Love yall❤️!- Chloe

Ps: photo is kind of what Bella looks like:)

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