Chapte 6

118 5 3

Grayson's POV
"Why do you think she just ran out like that?" I asked Ethan
"I don't even know. She looked like she was about to cry."
I glanced over to my right when I heard a "bing!"
It was Chloe's phone. She dropped it when she was leaving and forgot to grab it.
Her phone went off again.
"Are you gonna answer your phone?" Ethan asked.
"Dude it's not mine." I said while looking at her phone. Ethan soon realized it wasn't his either.
"Should we go on it?"
"Dude no that's her personal stuff!"
"You're right."
Her phone went off yet again.
"One peek won't hurt anyone right?" I asked Ethan.
"Fine but I want to look too."
What's a teenage girl gonna have on her phone that's so embarrassing anyway?
She got a text message from an unknown number
UNKNOWN NUMBER: listen here you little bitch. If you ever lay a finger on Grayson I swear to god I will get you. So if I were you, I'd be sleeping with one eye open.

Who's threatening her? I've had girlfriends but I don't recall them ever being this crazy...
"Who texted her that?"
"I don't know, it's a blocked number there's no information."
"Should we maybe bring her her phone?"
"No not yet, delete the message from the blocked number, I don't want her to be scared to see me. I'll make sure no one hurts her trust me, she probably has other things to worry about."
Ethan deleted the message off of her phone.
"Alright ready to run it back?"
"Yeah let's go."

|| holy mother of Jesus this is a short chapter. I feel like I'm such a shit writer but I'm trying to get better, I feel like there's no emotion at all:(

- Chloe

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