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Chloe's POV

Gray and I decided that we would meet at the party instead of drive together.

I had no idea what to wear, I didn't even want to go to this stupid party but I open my big mouth to make people jealous. I decided to throw on some maroon high ride leggings and a black crop top with my gray vans.

I got a text from and unknown number

UNKNOW NUMBER: You've broken the rules. 3 strikes is all you get. You've 2 strikes now, I'd watch out if I were you. Oh and your outfit? It's hideous.

What the hell? I don't know what I did to recieve strikes but aparently I have 2 now... I looked toward my window but I didn't see anyone. I looked back at my mirror to see the person was right; my outfit did look kind of weird. I yanked my curtains closed, ran to the bathroom and I changed  into some jean shorts and a more loose black shirt with my white converse,I quickly gathered my things and ran downstairs asking my parents to take me to the party.

I texted Grayson letting him know I left so he would too

Gray: Alright see ya there!

Jessica's house was only 5 minutes away, but I didn't know that in five minutes from my house there were fucking mansions! Her house was huge! I had my parents drop me off at a different location because, they thought I was going to some little party with like 10 people. This was not a little party. They had to have over 250 people there.

Graysona and I met up in her backyard by the 1st pool. Yup the 1st pool.

"Well you look cute!" Grayson said to me mimicking a girl. It made me laugh

"As do you!" I replied back.

"Ahaha no but seriously you look good." that made me blush even harder.

"Aww thanks" I said with a really awkward smile on my face.

"Wanna meet up with Ethan and the guys?" Gray asked


"Alright I think they're over here" Grayson said pointing to the tiki bar. He took my hand which took me by complete surprise. It felt so natural to be walking hand in hand though.

"Hey guys!" Ethan said while spinning in this chair. He looked down at our interwined fingers and a confused look sprung across his face.

I instantly let go of his hand, pretending that nothing happened.

Gray and Ethan and the guys were talking when my phone buzzed again.

An unknown number texted me again

UNKNOWN NUMBER: 3 strikes and you're out! Here's a little hint: you're out.

I searched around me frantically, I don't know what I was looking for, I don't know who was watching me and, I don't know what I did.

"Hey Gray I'll be right back okay? Stay here."

"Want me to come with?" Gray asked.

"No no no it's okay I'm just gonna go meet up with some friends I'll be right back though."


Truth is I'm not meeting up wtih anyone I just needed to find out what was going on. I went inside the house searching for a bathroom just so I could lock myself and feel safe.

Once inside I started to cry. Honestly this scared me I didn't know what I was doing, I don't know who is terroizing me either.

After cleaning up my makeup I went back out into the hall but before I could reach the stairs, I was yanked back and thrown into a bedroom. It was all a daze from there.

WHOA WHOA WHOA I know I'm so mean leaving you with a cliff hanger hehe well oops! Update tomorrow or tonight I don't know! - Chloe

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