Author's Note~~Ooh, suspense...
Blue's POV
I can't believe myself! I actually used Lumberjack Slice on them! I was hoping to use a lesser move on them...just to go easy on them. Now look at me! Oh well...*smiles evily*.
"What was that?!" Decease screamed, "I've never seen you use that move before, or even tell me what weapon you were! At least now we can be Weapon buddies!" she highfived me and smiled.
"Decease, we have to defeat these guys, then talk okay?" I told her.
"Got it," she grinned evily.
When Lumberjack Slice had hit them, Black Star, Maka, and Kid went flying backwards. They barely got up but fought back hard.
"Fire Styx Shot!" Kid, "Witch Hunter!" Maka, "Checkmate Slash!" Black Star.
Kid fired in the background, Maka lept into the air with Soul (looking different) and BLack Star came up from the ground.
"Idiotic move!" Decease and I said together sing songly.
We both lept out of the way in opposite directions, but Maka had thought of that. She didn't mean to hit the space where we were, but the space next to us. SHe sliced at my right arm. Oww.
"Yowsa! Ouch, that hurt!" I screamed.
I looked over at Decease, who was clutching her left arm. BLack Star had got her. But I smiled. I decided to use Soul Destroyer. Soul Destroyer is Soul Resonance but just for Weapons without meisters. It's supposed to destroy souls, but only if we wish it to. I always thought it was cool.
I stood up, looking at the ground. Maka started to sweat, looking nervous and backing up. I whispered Soul Destroyer so only Maka could hear me. My soul appeared, red and blue mixed together and an axe on it. A gust of air blew away and knocked everyone backward (except for Decease of course). I smirked, for they are acting afraid. Please, I won't hurt them THAT bad.
"Hope y'all are ready," I whispered, "it's time."
My hands clapped together. Both my hands turned into axes, huge, and glowing. I swung them around in a circle, creating a breeze.
"....FOREST CRASHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" my axe arms grew huge and had broken twigs all over them. I threw them in the air and sliced them at Maka and Kid, just missing Black Star. Their pupils shrunk as my blade came closer and they ended up passed out, looking burnt.
"My, such power.." Decease muttered. She's a Grim Reaper and she's telling me I have great power? Man that girl is weird...almost too weird...kind of like my favorite Wattpad bestie Bunnyslippers123...cuz they both have equal awesomeness...
"It's not that much," I shrugged modestly, " Plus their fault for stealing my cracker earlier."
"Hehe, life lesson to never steal your crackers," she joked.
But they got back up weakly and looked like they were dead. Kind of funny.
"We can-gah-still fight," Maka said, getting back up.
"Well, I guess it's Decease's turn to completely obliterate you. Go ahead, Death Girl," I gestured.
"Let's go, SOul Destroyer!" she powered up. H-her wavelength was...incredibly strong.
Her soul appeared. It was black with four ball and chains plus two guns sticking out of it. But there was something else...another weapon? No...something else...
"How many weapons are you, geez?" I asked, rolling my eyes.
"Three, but there's something else my soul shows that I wish it didn't," wait a minute, she was in pain!
"Decease! Are you okay? You're in pain!" I screamed, getting closer.
"No, gah, I'm not! I can do this! I'm powerful no matter what anyone says!!" presistant huh?
Dust swerved around her and she bounced in pain.
"SOul Destroyer!" she screamed again, reaching for more power.
Her arm ball and chains are her left arm and leg, plus right let disappeared. The final ball glowed and gave off a black aura. I saw her give off true Reaper power. Her body became black, not a single light, and her red eyes glowed brightly in the coming moonlight. Her face was dark and brutal, meant to kill, even if it was just a game. She tried to smile but I could tell the pain was getting to her. The ball on her right arm grew insanely large and gave me a chilling feeling. Was this a simple power move? How powerful is a Grim Reaper? THat's when she spoke.
"PRISON BREACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Peace out! Comment...or I'll take your soul...

Black Blooded Reaper--Decease the Kid
FanficDecease the Kid has been tortured all her life. One day three meisters and four weapons come and save her. When she awakes, she meets them. They befriend her and invite her to the academy. That's when one day, her Grim Reaper father comes back, tryi...