Author's Note~~Hey y'all its bunnyslippers here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello little marshmallows. My goal is to get 500 reads and 40 comments! Plz help my goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, this tomboy unicorn needs to start writing.
Zeal's (she's a new character) POV
I tried to make her understand. I stuttered as I tried my best to convince her.
"B-but you h-have to understand! It's not my fault!" I screamed through her rampaging.
~~FLASHBACK~~ (this flashback is gonna be VERY long)
I was in class Full Moon, hlaf-listening to Screwhead's (yes she calls him that too) dissection talk. I started to fall asleep when I heard over the intercom in the creepy voice. Zeal Armagedon, please come to the Death Room immediately.
Aw, crap, I thought, what now?
I walked down the hallway to the odd door covering the Death Room. I sighed, for this wasn't going to be good. I opened the skulled door. I walked through the guillotine hall. When I (finally) reached the mirror, I saw Lord Death and Syd eating at a wooden, skull-shaped table.
"Heeeeeeeeeello, Zeal!! How are you today! I had an assignment for you," Death said in his comical voice that I absolutely hated.
"What is it?" I asked in a bored tone.
"Weeeeeeeeeell, we've had a weapon recently...turn."
"Oh great. Who are they and what's the story?" I sighed.
"Well, she had a cousin who was also her meister. He one day decided to try feeding her a human soul. She was unsure at first but did it anyway. Now they're on a rampage. I need you to kill the boy meister and bring back the girl. She is not as guilty. Syd will give you their description and where they've been hiding."
"Cool," I stuck my hands in my pockets. "Well? Is Syd going to explain or not? I can't be kept waiting! After all, I am the awesomest meister ever!" I put my fist in the air in victory. THey cannot resist my amazingness!
"Ummmm okay. Come on, Zeal, I'll tell you the information," Syd the freaky zombie started walking to the door.
He brought me to an odd room and sat in a chair. I jumped into the seat and sat on the edge of the seat. He got out some papers and started flipping through them. He sighed and nodded.
"Okay. Their names are Sun and Moon Shine. The girl, Moon, is a weapon of....a doesn't say. But she has black midnight hair thats reaches her shoulders. It flows only down and in sometimes in a braid. She has violet eyes with gold specks. Her eyes are about 4 inches apart and are quite big, almost cartoony. She's tall too, age 17. What she is known to wear is a black sweatshirt with a cracked skull and a blue skirt. Blue and red Converse shoes. Hmm, about Sun, it says he has golden, shiny hair that's about normal length. His eyes are an ocean blue that are 3 inches apart. Bushy eyebrows and average sized eyes. He's more of short, at age 17 too. He is known to wear a bright t shirt with a sun in the middle and jeans. Yellow Jordans. They are located in Shadow City (made it up)."
"Thanks. I can finally beat those two with my supreme awesomeness!" I stood on the chair. He huffed.
"You remind me of someone. Someone I've known for a long time."
"Who?" I struck my finger at his blue face.
"Can't tell ya."
"WHatever. When do I leave?" I pouted.
"Right now."
I shrugged and left on a train. When I arrived in Shadow City, I went to the most populated area (not only so I could show off my amazing awesomeness!) so I could find the two targets. Boom. Let's go me the asssassin!
That's when someone showed up behind and started choking me. I turned around and saw...
Cliffhanger! NOt until I get one comment! Not so hard now is it?! Well my unicorns with rainbow powers bye bye!! Btw i dont own soul eater!!

Black Blooded Reaper--Decease the Kid
FanfictionDecease the Kid has been tortured all her life. One day three meisters and four weapons come and save her. When she awakes, she meets them. They befriend her and invite her to the academy. That's when one day, her Grim Reaper father comes back, tryi...