running like water.

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Emersyn Osborne


The overwhelming feeling of anxiety came and go like a wave at high tide during the Malfoy party.

The more I paid attention to the shortness of breath I was experiencing, the more intense it became.

I had not told Draco that I am struggling because I didn't know how to put my thoughts into words without him worrying about me.

Plus, I was having a terrible time remembering things. Things that happened days ago... a few months ago.. years ago even.

The darkly lit downstairs of the Manor was put together for the with black and gold decorations.

People were socialising; drinking and eating the hors d'oeuvres brought around by the elfs.

Some of the guest were known death eaters, others were members of the dark or family friends of the Malfoys.

Half of the time, I was holding onto Draco's arm like eye candy. More like he was my arm candy. People were paying more attention to me.

I smiled and greeted Draco's family friends as we both faked our way through the crowd. I recognized some of the people from my own parents affiliation with the Death Eaters.

Guest brought up my parents and said they were sorry that it happened... that they died. It definitely was a sensitive topic for me even after all these years. I guess now being a death eater myself, it was only right that people would still be talking about them.

But it still felt... weird. As if people were talking about recent events.

The other half of the party, I was dragged around the room being congratulated with drinks and praised for being murderer. For killing Dumbledore. For fulfilling The Dark Lord's request.

I was.. drunk. Like a casual, champagne and shots of vodka type drunk. Draco was quiet most of the time, especially when people were talking about the task.

Every time we moved to another group of people, Draco reassuringly squeezed my hand and gazed over at me sadly. His under eyes looked bruised. I could tell he was hurting from all of this. Because this party was supposed to be for him and his family. and suddenly it turned into a party for me and his family.

We finally circled around the center and agreed it was time to grab a bottle of alcohol and go upstairs for our own private after party. We both couldn't keep our hands off each other and frankly, I had been horny as fuck since I saw him in that tux for the first time.

As we headed toward the exit, Lucius came up to us. Dear lord, not this. Not right now.

Draco immediately let go of my hand. I glanced down at the empty space that he used to be his warm palm next to mine, wondering why he let go.

"Ah, Miss. Osborne, always a pleasure." he pulled me in for a hug. Before I had the chance to hesitate, his arms were around my body. I felt uncomfortable.

"Mr. Malfoy," I faked a smile and flatly replied, I pulled away as fast as I could, bouncing my body back towards Draco.

"Well my, my.. you've definitely changed since the last time I saw you,"

I awkwardly laughed, "Yeah, my braces came off and I wear contacts now." I tried to change the subject, "I'm glad you are back home with your family, you must be thrilled,"

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