.. they assume you know nothing.

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I wrote this listening to Dumbledore's Farewell on youtube, so if you want a more dramatic feel.. look it up.

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Y'know, once... I read a muggle book about death and I vividly remember a paragraph that always l stood out to me.. As a kid.. I never knew why I gravitated towards it so much.. but now, now it makes sense, it all makes sense now. Everything makes sense now. 

"And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about."

I inhaled. For a long ass time. Longer than a normal person should. Fuck. Longer than an alive person should. 

I felt like I was floating. Completely weightless. In a pool maybe.. No, actually the ocean. The saltwater touched my lips and the suns rays were beaming down on me. 

 I imagined my life one year ago today. 

Happy. With my Gran. I had just gotten my braces off and I was anxiously trying to better myself so when I got home, the lies would stop. I was so mad at everyone for lying all those years.

If I only knew what the next year would bring. I would have taken it all back. I would have tried to understand more what was going on.

Maybe even sympathised with the fact that they had no choice.

Mum and Daddy had no choice. 

Draco had no choice.

I had... no choice.

But, just like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again.

And then I exhaled

 Hard. Breath came rushing back into my lungs, expanding them fully and fast.

It was August first. 

Glancing at myself in the mirror, I smoothed out the top of my hair that I had just curled. My death eater pin was on the right of my sweater I was wearing. My bottom half way covered with a black and white checkered skirt, stockings and my black riding boots.

Even though it was August outside, the manor was cold and dark. It was always freezing in here.

Despite everything that was going on, I had my black pearl necklace on that Draco got me and the small diamond necklace that Mum and Daddy got me for my birthday last year.

Next to my tattoo, which seemed grimly Darker now, was the small corded charmed bracelet that I got Draco for his birthday. I never took it off.. even though I probably should now. 

Still looking in the mirror, I reapplied my lip colour, making sure I was presentable for whatever was about to happen downstairs. 

Voldemort would be here soon. Thirty-five minutes to be exact. This is the first time anyone had seen him since the task was completed at the end of the school year.

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