It was somewhat of a tradition of the Malfoy and Osborne family to spent the morning before their two children went to Hogwarts for the fall eating breakfast together.Draco brought his trunk and owl down to the foyer when he saw that Emersyn had already put her stuff out the night before.
Fucking Overachiever he rolled his eyes and thought to him himself as he headed into the hall for breakfast.
He immediately greeted Mrs. Osborne who was chatting with his mum over a mimosa. His mum was always drinking lately since his father was gone.
He didn't blame her. He wanted to drink too.
He looked around for Emersyn but she wasn't at the table.
"Where's Emersyn at?" he looked over to his mum while he sat down at the table.
"Hm, that's a good question. She's probably just getting a last sweep of her room before she heads down." she sat down at the table next to him and Mrs. Osborne sat across from here.
They all started small talking about summer and Hogwarts this fall and how they are so emotional that their babies are grown. How they only have these last years left.
Are the fucking dumb? They are pretending I don't have to do what is required of me this year?
He fucking hated small talk even with- especially with his own mum.
She started talking about Emersyn's summer when she walked in.
"Good morning! Talking about me? I could feel my ears burning!" she joked and hugged her mum.
She was wearing a loose black t shirt and dark wash jeans with a brown belt. Her hair was down and curled at the ends.
Simple. But beautiful.
Her eyes were puffy and red almost as if she had been crying but he didn't say anything.
She was always emotional the day she they leaving for school.
"You saved that seat for me? Wow." She looked at the chair next to him and smirked.
Draco scoffed and looked at her, "Don't flatter yourself, Osborne."
Ahh, there was the draco she knew.
"Sorry, I would have been down here sooner if I knew you were going to be on time. Usually you aren't."
"It's fine, I just got here." he lied. "Ready to do this shit?"
"Yeah the faster we eat, the less small talk we have to do and the faster we can get out of here." she quickly said "Oh, can I have my wand back? I was going to get it yesterday but your door was shut. I didn't want to bother you." she quickly added in
"Why didn't you knock?"
"It was late."
"That's never stopped you before?"
Her cheeks blushed and she shook her head. "Do you have my wand or not, Malfoy." she annoyed looked at him.
"It's on top of your trunk. Next to that annoying fucking owl of yours. You need to teach her to stop screeching at random times."
Draco was confused why the hell she was giving him attitude but before he got the chance to say anything she was already out the door to get the wand.
During breakfast they both helped each other dodge their familes questions.
They both had been friends long enough to know better. It was a bit different without his dad here but that just took the pressure off of him.
Teen Fiction& when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite. - - IF YOU LIKE TOXIC, SPICY BUT A LIL BIT OF SOFT DRACO, THIS IS FOR YOU. Chapter titles and theme based on Taylor Swift's song- Cardigan. ...