IDFB 10: Dungeons & Daggers, part 3 🗡️🗡️🗡️

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Before long, they were at the same large cavern. Gaty stole the flames from both makeshift torches and combined them into a single fireball. Once again, she raised her hands and lifted the fireball into the center of the chamber, illuminating the room. It was almost completely empty. The only zombie there was the ginormous dagger from before with the blue handle, and it was in the center of the room, snoring loudly.

"Where the heck is that hoard that was here earlier?" Eggy whispered.

"I don't know." Bell stepped forward cautiously, holding her sword out in case the dagger woke up. "They should be here..."

"W-what if it's a trap?" Mac stuttered, wielding his snake fang nervously.

Eraser scoffed. "Oh, come on. They're brainless zombies! They won't be smart enough to lure us in here and then suddenly surround us."

As if on cue, zombies suddenly began pouring out of hidden crevices and holes in the wall and surrounded them before anyone could move. "I'm afraid you're incorrect on that matter," a familiar voice spoke ominously.

They all whipped around, trying to find the source of the speaker. "There!" Eraser said, pointing. Everyone looked upwards to see two people standing on a rocky ledge, far above. Onion and Raspberry.

"Well, well, well. Welcome... to my LAIR." Onion deepened his voice on the last word so that it echoed around the room. "Looks like I was right to chase you out of my tavern."

Eraser reached into his quiver for an arrow, but Onion tutted. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I control these zombies, and with one command from me, they'd tear you to pieces."

Eraser froze.

"Why are you doing this?" Cake yelled.

"Why am I doing this?" Onion chuckled. "Why, for a prank, of course! I'm going to prank the whole continent by taking it over with zombies!"

Eraser sighed and glanced at the roof of the cavern. "Really, Blocky?" he complained. "That's the best villain motive you could come up with?"

"I'm not sure we can heal a crowd this big," Gaty said under her breath.

"Well, we have to try!" Bottle said, determined. She opened up the scroll-


A pause. "Uhh, Bottle? You going to finish that sentence?"

"She's gone!"

"Huh?" Gaty turned to see that Bottle had, indeed, disappeared. "Where did she go?"

"She just teleported out," Barf Bag said. Everyone looked towards TV's screen to see Bottle chatting happily with the other free objects. Upon closer inspection of the TLC, it was evident that Basketball and Grassy had been teleported out alongside Bottle. Wow, is it already really noon? Gaty wondered.

"What are we going to do now?" Bell asked.

Blocky grinned. "I've got an idea for that."


Bottle opened up her scroll, but before she could say another word, a large fist squished her like a bug. The other six objects jumped back as the giant dagger, now obviously awake, lifted his hand. Bottle had been reduced to nothing but shards. Her staff and scroll weren't much better.

"Bottle!" Gaty cried. Eggy let out a small noise that sounded like a whimper.

"See?" Onion said. "I control these guys."

"But how?" Bell asked.

Onion grinned. "Trying to get me to monologue, I see. Well, I'll oblige! You see, it all started when I discovered...."

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