Chapter 8 His turn to steal the girl

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Carter's POV

I don't know how I feel about Lily and Nash going out on a date. I mean, he didn't ask me so it was kind of a shock for me. They were being all couply when we all met up back at Nash's house and it's starting to become really irritating. Of course I'm happy for her and everything but I'm just afraid of her getting hurt.

Or worse. She hasn't shown any signs of her going all killer assassin on anyone so that's good. I have been trying to keep an eye on her though to be positive that she's alright. Today we have one more Magcon even and then the guys leave tomorrow morning. Lily has become pretty close to the guys considering she only met them about a week ago. (ABOUT A WEEK AGO, WEEK AGO. SORRY HAD TO😂K THATS ALL.)

I just hope this new upbeat happy her doesn't disappear with them when they leave. Not to mention that I'm leaving for training. I only have a few more months of training and then I'll be done and be able to stay at home until they actually need me for a mission. School starts this Thursday for Lily and Nash. I still have to be homeschooled because of training and shit.

All these thoughts were of course occurring in the shower. Because everyone knows that the deepest thoughts and life changing decisions happen while one takes a shower. after the event, we were all crazy,hot, and sweating. So why not shower at 2am. Everyone just stayed at our house tonight. My mom has kind of been busy with work so she hasn't been home much. I hope she's home before I have to leave because I don't want something to happen to Lily while I'm gone and not even my Mom isn't home for more than 24hrs.

Yeah yeah. I sound protective but if your sister murdered your own father by beheading him when she was 6 years old that worked for the government as a secret agent and has multiple enemies that have been trying to find us and kill us, you would be a little paranoid to.

I turned the shower and just put on some blue basketball shorts, a white tshirt, and just kept my hair down. I walked out of my room and walked down stairs. Johnson, Roni, , Aaron, and Shawn were down stairs in the living room. Lily was in the shower in her room ,Maria was in the shower in the guest bathroom, and Gilinsky was showering in the downstairs bathroom.

Nash, Hayes, Taylor, Matt, and Cameron went next door to the Grier's house so there would be less of a wait time for bathroom time. Johnson and Roni were talking on the couch while Shawn and Aaron were playing call of duty. I sat down and realized that we never cleaned up the mess from our neon paint party. Just then, my phone went off.

Birthgiver🍚: Hey, I'm on my way home from my convention in Tennessee. Be home in 3 hrs.

"Guys! We need to clean the house. NOW! My mom is supposed to be home in 3hrs and there is paint EVERYWHERE."I shouted panicking. A simultaneous "Oh shit." was said between whoever was down here.

"We're back! What'd we miss?" Matt said walking in the door with Cameron, Nash, Hayes, and Taylor. "My mom is gonna be home in 3 hrs and the house and yard are trashed. GO GO GO!"I shouted as the boys and Roni started running around frantically trying to clean everything up. "I hope we get everything cleaned up in time" I mumbled as Shawn, Taylor, Matt, and Nash came outside to help me with the backyard.

Great. Stuck with the 3 guys that all have a thing for my little sister. This should be fun, note sarcasm. Maybe nothing dramatic will happen and we can just do what we have to do.... Who am I kidding. Shit always happens with us.

Lily's POV

As I finished up in the shower, I heard yelling and running around downstairs. I wonder what that was about. I shrugged it off and got out of the shower. I put on a pair of black nike tumbling shorts, a magcon sweatshirt I found at the event in the back room, put my glasses on, and just left my hair to air dry. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Maria laying on my bed scrolling through her phone already in sweats and a crew with a messy bun.

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