Sunday, Novemer 4th

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Well, I had an awesome weekend with Elizibeth and her friends.
On Friday night I was at dinner with my mom and Alexa when Elizibeth texted me.
Hey, what r u doin tonight?
Nothing y?
Do you wanna come with me and a couple of my friends to see an R rated movie? My moms gonna get us tickets then leave so that we can get in
Let me ask
I asked my mom if i could go and after a few minutes of talking about it, I had an answer
I can go! What time?
It is really unlike my mom to let me go to the movies by myself with friends, but I grabbed this opportunity after begging for it. Of course I didn't tell her we were seeing an R rated movie, and she asked who was going and I gave her a list of a couple of Elizibeth's friends that she told me were going.
When I got there, I soon discovered that there was a guy there to, that apparently none of them have ever met. One of Elizibeth's friends had been talking to him online and so she invited him. I thought that was kinda weird. Elizibeth's mom had some trouble getting us in, and she wasn't very smooth about it. So, we all agreed on a PG-13 movie that sounded good. Elizibeth's best friend, Kaylee, had read the book.
It was actually a really good movie.
The next day, I invited Elizibeth and Kaylee to my house to spend the night. Mom and I picked them up and we went to Meijer to get candy and snacks. Elizibeth rode the electronic pony there too! When we got home, we had so much fun! We honestly didn't do anything too crazy, just hung out. Alexa was hanging out with us the whole time too, but Elizibeth and Kaylee kept calling her mini Olivia. So I let her stay. Once we were all calmed down a little more, Elizibeth played my guitar. I knew she could play, but she was actually really good! I learned to play guitar at a summer camp I went to 2 years ago. Sometimes I pick it up, but not very often. I think that Chris knows how to play guitar. I bet he's really good at it too. I need to stop thinking about him. This was supossed to be a girls night where I got him out of my head and just had fun. If i had kept thinking about him, it would stress me out becuase I like him so much and I would forget about spending time with my girls who were right in front of me. Later on, we did each others makeup. Elizibeth and Kaylee are really good at it. I'm not becuase I really don't care about wearing makeup on a daily basis. Beauty should be natural. But I went along with it, and let Elizibeth do my makeup. The rest of the night, we hung out on the couch with a bunch of snacks, watching horror movies. It was really fun to watch with them! Elizibeth screams a lot. When we went to sleep, I slept in my bed, Alexa slept in her bed, and I set up our air matress in my room for Elizibeth and Kaylee. I may have forgot to tell them about the hole in it.... They woke up sunk to the floor! Everyone was super tired in the morning because of how late we stayed up. So we made pancakes, and I went with mom to drop them off at home.

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